
"Evaluation of a Rigidity Penalty Term for Nonrigid Registration"

Marius Staring, Stefan Klein and Josien P.W. Pluim


Nonrigid registration of medical images usually does not model properties of different tissue types. This results for example in nonrigid deformations of structures that are rigid. In this work we address this problem by employing a local rigidity penalty term. We illustrate this approach on a 2D synthetic image, and evaluate it on clinical 2D DSA image sequences, and on 3D CT follow-up data of the thorax of patients suffering from lung tumours. The results show that the rigidity penalty term does indeed penalise nonrigid deformations of rigid structures, whereas the standard nonrigid registration algorithm compresses those.



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Copyright © 2006 by the authors. Published version © 2006 by . Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint or republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the copyright holder.


BibTeX entry

author = {Staring, Marius and Klein, Stefan and Pluim, Josien P.W.},
title = {Evaluation of a Rigidity Penalty Term for Nonrigid Registration},
booktitle = {Workshop on Image Registration in Deformable Environments},
editor = {Bartoli, Adrien and Navab, Nassir and Lepetit, Vincent},
address = {Edinburgh, UK},
pages = {41 - 50},
month = {September},
year = {2006},

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