"Fast Dynamic Perfusion and Angiography Reconstruction using an end-to-end 3D Convolutional Neural Network"
Sahar Yousefi, L. Hirschler, M. van der Plas, Mohamed Elmahdi, Hessam Sokooti, Mathias J.P. van Osch and Marius Staring
Hadamard time-encoded pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (te-pCASL) is a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)-efficient MRI technique for acquiring dynamic pCASL signals that encodes the temporal information into the labeling according to a Hadamard matrix. In the decoding step, the contribution of each sub-bolus can be isolated resulting in dynamic perfusion scans. When acquiring te-ASL both with and without flow-crushing, the ASL-signal in the arteries can be isolated resulting in 4D-angiographic information. However, obtaining multi-timepoint perfusion and angiographic data requires two acquisitions. In this study, we propose a 3D Dense-Unet convolutional neural network with a multilevel loss function for reconstructing multi-timepoint perfusion and angiographic information from an interleaved 50%-sampled crushed and 50%-sampled non-crushed data, thereby negating the additional scan time. We present a framework to generate dynamic pCASL training and validation data, based on models of the intravascular and extravascular te-pCASL signals. The proposed network achieved SSIM values of 97.3 ± 1.1 and 96.2 ± 11.1 respectively for 4D perfusion and angiographic data reconstruction for 313 test data-sets.
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Copyright © 2019 by the authors.
Published version © 2019 by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
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BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{Yousefi:2019, |
author |
= {Yousefi, Sahar and Hirschler, L. and van der Plas, M. and Mohamed Elmahdi, and Sokooti, Hessam and van Osch, Mathias J.P. and Staring, Marius}, |
title |
= {Fast Dynamic Perfusion and Angiography Reconstruction using an end-to-end 3D Convolutional Neural Network}, |
booktitle |
= {Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction, MICCAI workshop}, |
editor |
= {Knoll, Florian and Maier, Andreas and Rueckert, Daniel and Ye, Jong Chul}, |
address |
= {Shenzhen, China}, |
series |
= {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, |
volume |
= {11905}, |
pages |
= {25 - 35}, |
month |
= {October}, |
year |
= {2019}, |
} |
last modified: 11-05-2020 |
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