"Automatic Quantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Vessels in CT: Methods and Applications"
Zhiwei Zhai
The aim of this thesis is to develop these methods focusing on quantifying pulmonary vascular diseases and assessing treatment effects, based on CT images. Particularly, the following objectives have been pursued in this thesis: 1) to develop an accurate lung vessel segmentation method; 2) to propose and validate an automatic method for quantifying pulmonary vascular morphology; 3) to investigate pulmonary vascular remodeling in SSc patients with impaired DLCO, but in the absence of pulmonary fibrosis; 4) to investigate changes in the pulmonary vascular densitometry and morphology in patients with CTEPH, treated with BPA. These objectives are described in this thesis.
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BibTeX entry
@phdthesis{Zhai:2020, |
author |
= {Zhai, Zhiwei}, |
title |
= {Automatic Quantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Vessels in CT: Methods and Applications}, |
school |
= {Leiden University Medical Center}, |
address |
= {Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden}, |
month |
= {March}, |
year |
= {2020}, |
} |
last modified: 12-05-2020 |
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