"Hierarchical Prediction of Registration Misalignment using a Convolutional LSTM: Application to Chest CT Scans"
Hessam Sokooti, Sahar Yousefi, Mohamed S. Elmahdy, Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt and Marius Staring
In this paper we propose a supervised method to predict registration misalignment using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This task is casted to a classification problem with multiple classes of misalignment: "correct" 0-3 mm, "poor" 3-6 mm and "wrong" over 6 mm. Rather than a direct prediction, we propose a hierarchical approach, where the prediction is gradually refined from coarse to fine. Our solution is based on a convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), using hierarchical misalignment predictions on three resolutions of the image pair, leveraging the intrinsic strengths of an LSTM for this problem. The convolutional LSTM is trained on a set of artificially generated image pairs obtained from artificial displacement vector fields (DVFs). Results on chest CT scans show that incorporating multi-resolution information, and the hierarchical use via an LSTM for this, leads to overall better F1 scores, with fewer misclassifications in a well-tuned registration setup. The final system yields an accuracy of 87.1%, and an average F1 score of 66.4% aggregated in two independent chest CT scan studies.
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Copyright © 2021 by the authors.
Published version © 2021 by IEEE.
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BibTeX entry
@article{Sokooti:2021, |
author |
= {Sokooti, Hessam and Yousefi, Sahar and Elmahdy, Mohamed S. and Lelieveldt, Boudewijn P.F. and Staring, Marius}, |
title |
= {Hierarchical Prediction of Registration Misalignment using a Convolutional LSTM: Application to Chest CT Scans}, |
journal |
= {IEEE Access}, |
volume |
= {9}, |
pages |
= {62008 - 62020}, |
month |
= {April}, |
year |
= {2021}, |
} |
last modified: 09-08-2021 |
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