
"Fast Subject-Specific SAR and B1+ Prediction for PTx at 7T using only an Initial Localizer Scan"

Wyger Brink, Marius Staring, Rob Remis and Andrew Webb


Ultra-high field (UHF) MRI (B0 > 7T) shows great promise to yield higher resolution structural and physiological information than available at 3T, particularly in the brain. Parallel RF transmission (PTx) is a key technology for UHF-MRI to address the increased spatial variations in the radiofrequency (RF) field distribution. However, currently it has failed to reach widespread clinical adoption. The main factors include the intersubject variability in local specific absorption rate (SAR) leading to large safety margins to ensure compliance to regulatory limits, and time-consuming B1+ calibration procedures required for tailored RF pulse design. Together, these technological challenges limit the clinical impact of PTx and the utilization of UHF-MRI.

In this work, we demonstrate a fast subject-specific method based on deep learning and a fast EM solver for predicting both SAR and B1+ fields using only a 9 second long localizer scan.



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BibTeX entry

author = {Brink, Wyger and Staring, Marius and Remis, Rob and Webb, Andrew},
title = {Fast Subject-Specific SAR and B1+ Prediction for PTx at 7T using only an Initial Localizer Scan},
booktitle = {ISMRM},
address = {London, UK},
month = {May},
year = {2022},

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