"Machine learning for image analysis in the cervical spine: Systematic review of the available models and methods"
C.M.W Goedmakers, L.M. Pereboom, J.W. Schoones, M.L. de Leeuw den Bouter, R.F. Remis, M. Staring and C.L.A. Vleggeert-Lankamp
Highlights - Neural network approaches show the most potential for automated image analysis of thecervical spine.
- Fully automatic convolutional neural network (CNN) models are promising Deep Learning methods for segmentation.
- In cervical spine analysis, the biomechanical features are most often studied using finiteelement models.
- The application of artificial neural networks and support vector machine models looks promising for classification purposes.
- This article provides an overview of the methods for research on computer aided imaging diagnostics of the cervical spine.
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BibTeX entry
@article{Goedmakers:2022, |
author |
= {Goedmakers, C.M.W and Pereboom, L.M. and Schoones, J.W. and de Leeuw den Bouter, M.L. and Remis, R.F. and Staring, M. and Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A.}, |
title |
= {Machine learning for image analysis in the cervical spine: Systematic review of the available models and methods}, |
journal |
= {Brain and Spine}, |
volume |
= {2}, |
pages |
= {101666}, |
year |
= {2022}, |
} |
last modified: 21-11-2022 |
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