
"Analysis of the Discretization Error vs. Estimation Time Tradeoff of MRF Dictionary Matching and the Advantage of the Neural Net-based Approach"

Chinmay Rao, Jakob Meineke, Nicola Pezzotti, Marius Staring, Matthias van Osch and Mariya Doneva


Traditional MR fingerprinting involves matching the acquired signal evolutions against a dictionary of expected tissue fingerprints to obtain thecorresponding tissue parameters. Since this dictionary is essentially a discrete representation of a physical model and the matching processamounts to brute-force search in a discretized parameter space, there arises a tradeoff between discretization error and parameter estimationtime. In this work, we investigate this tradeoff and show via numerical simulation how a neural net-based approach solves it. We additionallyconduct a phantom study using 1.5T and 3T data to demonstrate the consistency of neural net-based estimation with dictionary matching.



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BibTeX entry

author = {Rao, Chinmay and Meineke, Jakob and Pezzotti, Nicola and Staring, Marius and van Osch, Matthias and Doneva, Mariya},
title = {Analysis of the Discretization Error vs. Estimation Time Tradeoff of MRF Dictionary Matching and the Advantage of the Neural Net-based Approach},
journal = {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine},
month = {June},
year = {2023},

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