
"Deep Learning Based Self-Navigated Diffusion Weighted Multi-Shot EPI with Supervised Denoising"

Yiming Dong, Kirsten Koolstra, Laurens Beljaards, Marius Staring, Matthias J.P. van Osch and Peter Börnert


Advanced diffusion weighted self-navigated multi-shot MRI can run at high scan efficiencies resulting in good image quality. However, the model-based image reconstruction used is rather time consuming. Deep learning-based reconstruction approaches could function as a faster alternative. Tailored network architectures with appropriately set physical model constraints can help to shorten reconstruction times, resulting in good image quality with reduced noise propagation.



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BibTeX entry

author = {Dong, Yiming and Koolstra, Kirsten and Beljaards, Laurens and Staring, Marius and van Osch, Matthias J.P. and Börnert, Peter},
title = {Deep Learning Based Self-Navigated Diffusion Weighted Multi-Shot EPI with Supervised Denoising},
journal = {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine},
month = {June},
year = {2023},

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