
"itk-elastix: Medical image registration in Python"

Konstantinos Ntatsis, Niels Dekker, Viktor van der Valk, Tom Birdsong, Dzenan Zukic, Stefan Klein, Marius Staring and Matthew McCormick


Image registration plays a vital role in understanding changes that occur in 2D and 3D scientific imaging datasets. Registration involves finding a spatial transformation that aligns one image to another by optimizing relevant image similarity metrics. In this paper, we introduce itk-elastix, a user-friendly Python wrapping of the mature elastix registration toolbox. The open-source tool supports rigid, affine, and B-spline deformable registration, making it versatile for various imaging datasets. By utilizing the modular design of itk-elastix, users can efficiently configure and compare different registration methods, and embed these in image analysis workflows.



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BibTeX entry

author = {Ntatsis, Konstantinos and Dekker, Niels and van der Valk, Viktor and Birdsong, Tom and Zukic, Dzenan and Klein, Stefan and Staring, Marius and McCormick, Matthew},
title = {itk-elastix: Medical image registration in Python},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Python in Science Conference},
editor = {Agarwal, Meghann and Calloway, Chris and Niederhut, Dillon},
pages = {101 - 105},
month = {July},
year = {2023},

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