
"Dose evaluation using existing plan parameters of auto-contouring in head-and-neck radiotherapy"

Prerak Mody, Merle Huiskes, Nicolas Chaves de Plaza, Alice Onderwater, Rense Lamsma, Klaus Hildebrandt, Nienke Hoekstra, Eleftheria Astreinidou, Marius Staring and Frank Dankers


Previous work on auto-contour dose evaluation has used both manual [1] and automated [2,3] techniques, however with small (~20) test patient cohorts. This is due to extensive manual effort required for additional contour refinement and treatment planning on the auto-contours. Moreover, automated planning techniques, if not already clinically implemented, are difficult to adopt. Our primary goal is to investigate the dosimetric effect of auto-contouring for proton radiotherapy using a large-scale cohort of patients. A secondary goal is to develop and evaluate a workflow that is both automated and uses existing plan parameters, hence enabling evaluation for a large patient cohort.



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BibTeX entry

author = {Mody, Prerak and Huiskes, Merle and Chaves de Plaza, Nicolas and Onderwater, Alice and Lamsma, Rense and Hildebrandt, Klaus and Hoekstra, Nienke and Astreinidou, Eleftheria and Staring, Marius and Dankers, Frank},
title = {Dose evaluation using existing plan parameters of auto-contouring in head-and-neck radiotherapy},
journal = {Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)},
month = {May},
year = {2024},

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