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"Guided Multicontrast Reconstruction based on the Decomposition of Content and Style"
Chinmay Rao, Laurens Beljaards, Matthias van Osch, Mariya Doneva, Jakob Meineke, Christophe Schülke, Nicola Pezzotti, Elwin de Weerdt and Marius Staring
Motivation: Scans within an MR exam share redundant information due to the same underlying structures. One contrast can hence be used to guide the reconstruction of another, thereby requiring less measurements.
Goals: Multimodal guided reconstruction to reduce scanning times.
Approach: Our method exploits AI-based content/style decomposition in an iterative reconstruction algorithm. We explored this concept via numerical simulation and subsequently validated it on in vivo data.
Results: Compared to a conventional compressed sensing baseline, our method showed consistent improvement in simulations and produced sharper reconstructions from undersampled in vivo data. By enforcing data consistency, it was also more reliable than blind image translation.
Impact: In the clinic, this can potentially enable a reduced MR exam time for a given image quality or improve image quality given a scan time budget. The former can reduce strain on the patient, whereas the latter can improve diagnosis.
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BibTeX entry
@article{Rao:2024, |
author |
= {Rao, Chinmay and Beljaards, Laurens and van Osch, Matthias and Doneva, Mariya and Meineke, Jakob and Schülke, Christophe and Pezzotti, Nicola and de Weerdt, Elwin and Staring, Marius}, |
title |
= {Guided Multicontrast Reconstruction based on the Decomposition of Content and Style}, |
journal |
= {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, |
month |
= {June}, |
year |
= {2024}, |
} |
last modified: 29-01-2024 |
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