"Deep Learning in Rheumatologic Image Interpretation"
Berend C. Stoel, Marius Staring, Monique Reijnierse and Annette H.M. van der Helm-van Mil
Artificial intelligence techniques, specifically deep learning, have already affected daily life in a wide range of areas. Likewise, initial applications have been explored in rheumatology. Deep learning might not easily surpass the accuracy of classic techniques when performing classification or regression on low-dimensional numerical data. With images as input, however, deep learning has become so successful that it has already outperformed the majority of conventional image-processing techniques developed during the past 50 years. As with any new imaging technology, rheumatologists and radiologists need to consider adapting their arsenal of diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring tools, and even their clinical role and collaborations. This adaptation requires a basic understanding of the technical background of deep learning, to efficiently utilize its benefits but also to recognize its drawbacks and pitfalls, as blindly relying on deep learning might be at odds with its capabilities. To facilitate such an understanding, it is necessary to provide an overview of deep-learning techniques for automatic image analysis in detecting, quantifying, predicting and monitoring rheumatic diseases, and of currently published deep-learning applications in radiological imaging for rheumatology, with critical assessment of possible limitations, errors and confounders, and conceivable consequences for rheumatologists and radiologists in clinical practice.
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BibTeX entry
@article{Stoel:2024, |
author |
= {Stoel, Berend C. and Staring, Marius and Reijnierse, Monique and van der Helm-van Mil, Annette H.M.}, |
title |
= {Deep Learning in Rheumatologic Image Interpretation}, |
journal |
= {Nature Reviews Rheumatology}, |
volume |
= {20}, |
pages |
= {182 - 195}, |
month |
= {March}, |
year |
= {2024}, |
} |
last modified: 27-02-2024 |
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