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itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <itkLimiterFunctionBase.h>

Detailed Description

template<class TInput, unsigned int NDimension>
class itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >

Base class for all ITK limiter function objects.

LimiterFunctionBase is the base class for ITK limiter function objects. The abstract method Evaluate() should limit a function, i.e. it should make sure that its output is below a certain value. The derivative of a function that is limited also changes.

In formula:

\[ L(y) = L(f(x)), \]

where $f(x)$ is the original function. and $L(f(x))$ the limited version. The derivative with respect to $x$ should satisfy:

\[ dL/dx = \frac{dL}{df} \cdot \frac{df}{dx} \]

Subclasses must override Evaluate(value) and Evaluate(value, derivative) .

This class is template over the input type and the dimension of $x$.

Definition at line 50 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

Inheritance diagram for itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >:

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using DerivativeType = CovariantVector<DerivativeValueType, Self::Dimension>
using DerivativeValueType = OutputType
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = LimiterFunctionBase
using Superclass = FunctionBase<TInput, typename NumericTraits<TInput>::RealType>

Public Member Functions

OutputType Evaluate (const InputType &input) const override=0
virtual OutputType Evaluate (const InputType &input, DerivativeType &derivative) const =0
virtual const char * GetClassName () const
virtual OutputType GetLowerBound () const
virtual InputType GetLowerThreshold () const
virtual OutputType GetUpperBound () const
virtual InputType GetUpperThreshold () const
virtual void Initialize ()
 itkStaticConstMacro (Dimension, unsigned int, NDimension)
virtual void SetLowerBound (OutputType _arg)
virtual void SetLowerThreshold (InputType _arg)
virtual void SetUpperBound (OutputType _arg)
virtual void SetUpperThreshold (InputType _arg)

Protected Member Functions

 LimiterFunctionBase ()
 ~LimiterFunctionBase () override=default

Protected Attributes

OutputType m_LowerBound {}
InputType m_LowerThreshold {}
OutputType m_UpperBound {}
InputType m_UpperThreshold {}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 59 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ DerivativeType

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::DerivativeType = CovariantVector<DerivativeValueType, Self::Dimension>

Definition at line 71 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ DerivativeValueType

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::DerivativeValueType = OutputType

Definition at line 70 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ Pointer

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 58 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ Self

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Self = LimiterFunctionBase

Standard class typedefs.

Definition at line 56 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ Superclass

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
using itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Superclass = FunctionBase<TInput, typename NumericTraits<TInput>::RealType>

Definition at line 57 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LimiterFunctionBase()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::LimiterFunctionBase ( )

Definition at line 107 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ ~LimiterFunctionBase()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::~LimiterFunctionBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Evaluate() [1/2]

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Evaluate ( const InputType & input) const
overridepure virtual

◆ Evaluate() [2/2]

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Evaluate ( const InputType & input,
DerivativeType & derivative ) const
pure virtual

Limit the input value and change the input function derivative accordingly

Implemented in itk::ExponentialLimiterFunction< TInput, NDimension >, and itk::HardLimiterFunction< TInput, NDimension >.

◆ GetClassName()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual const char * itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::GetClassName ( ) const

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented in itk::ExponentialLimiterFunction< TInput, NDimension >, and itk::HardLimiterFunction< TInput, NDimension >.

◆ GetLowerBound()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::GetLowerBound ( ) const

◆ GetLowerThreshold()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual InputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::GetLowerThreshold ( ) const

◆ GetUpperBound()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::GetUpperBound ( ) const

◆ GetUpperThreshold()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual InputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::GetUpperThreshold ( ) const

◆ Initialize()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual void itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::Initialize ( )

Initialize the limiter

Reimplemented in itk::ExponentialLimiterFunction< TInput, NDimension >.

Definition at line 103 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.


template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE ( LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension > )

◆ itkStaticConstMacro()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro ( Dimension ,
unsigned int ,
NDimension  )

◆ SetLowerBound()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual void itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::SetLowerBound ( OutputType _arg)

Set/Get the lower bound that the output should respect. Make sure it is lower than the higher bound.

◆ SetLowerThreshold()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual void itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::SetLowerThreshold ( InputType _arg)

Set the point where the limiter starts to work. Only input values below this number will possibly be affected. Make sure it is >= than the LowerBound.

◆ SetUpperBound()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual void itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::SetUpperBound ( OutputType _arg)

Set/Get the upper bound that the output should respect. Make sure it is higher than the lower bound.

◆ SetUpperThreshold()

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
virtual void itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::SetUpperThreshold ( InputType _arg)

Set the point where the limiter starts to work. Only input values above this number will possibly be affected. Make sure it is <= than the UpperBound.

Field Documentation

◆ m_LowerBound

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::m_LowerBound {}

Definition at line 119 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ m_LowerThreshold

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
InputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::m_LowerThreshold {}

Definition at line 121 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ m_UpperBound

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
OutputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::m_UpperBound {}

Definition at line 118 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

◆ m_UpperThreshold

template<class TInput , unsigned int NDimension>
InputType itk::LimiterFunctionBase< TInput, NDimension >::m_UpperThreshold {}

Definition at line 120 of file itkLimiterFunctionBase.h.

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