► N elastix
► N CoreMainGTestUtilities
C Exception Simple exception class, to be used by unit tests
C ImageDomain
C TypeHolder Eases passing a type as argument to a generic lambda
► N GTestUtilities
C ValueAndDerivative Represents the value and derivative retrieved from a metric (cost function)
N LibUtilities
C AdaGrad A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain
C AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain
► C AdaptiveStochasticLBFGS A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain
C MultiThreaderParameterType
► C AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain
C MultiThreaderParameterType
C AdvancedAffineTransformElastix A transform based on the itk::AdvancedMatrixOffsetTransformBase
C AdvancedBSplineTransform A transform based on the itkAdvancedBSplineTransform
C AdvancedKappaStatisticMetric An metric based on the itk::AdvancedKappaStatisticImageToImageMetric
C AdvancedMattesMutualInformationMetric A metric based on the itk::ParzenWindowMutualInformationImageToImageMetric
C AdvancedMeanSquaresMetric An metric based on the itk::AdvancedMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric
C AdvancedNormalizedCorrelationMetric An metric based on the itk::AdvancedNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric
C AdvancedTransformAdapter Adapts the ITK transform that is specified by AdvancedTransformAdapter::SetExternalTransform to the elastix AdvancedTransform interface
C AffineDTITransformElastix A transform based on the itk AffineDTITransform
C AffineLogStackTransform An affine log transform based on the itkStackTransform
C AffineLogTransformElastix This transform is an affine transformation, with a different parametrisation than the usual one
C BaseComponent Class that all elastix components should inherit from
C BaseComponentSE The BaseComponentSE class is a base class for elastix components that provides some basic functionality
C BSplineInterpolator An interpolator based on the itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
C BSplineInterpolatorFloat An interpolator based on the itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction
C BSplineResampleInterpolator A resample-interpolator based on B-splines
C BSplineResampleInterpolatorFloat A resample-interpolator based on B-splines
C BSplineStackTransform A B-spline transform based on the itkStackTransform
C BSplineTransformWithDiffusion This class combines a B-spline transform with the diffusion/filtering of the deformation field
C CMAEvolutionStrategy An optimizer based on the itk::CMAEvolutionStrategyOptimizer
C ComponentDatabase Class that stores the New() functions of all components
C ComponentInstaller
C ComponentInstaller< TComponent, NrOfSupportedImageTypes+1 >
C ComponentLoader Determines which components (metrics, transforms, etc.) are available
C Configuration A class that deals with user given parameters and command line arguments
C ConjugateGradient An optimizer based on the itk::GenericConjugateGradientOptimizer
C ConjugateGradientFRPR The ConjugateGradientFRPR class
C Conversion A class that contains utility functions for the conversion of number of seconds and parameter values to text
C CorrespondingPointsEuclideanDistanceMetric An metric based on the itk::CorrespondingPointsEuclideanDistancePointMetric
C DefaultConstruct
C DefaultResampler A resampler based on the itk::ResampleImageFilter
C DeformationFieldTransform A transform based on a DeformationField
C DisplacementMagnitudePenalty A penalty term that penalises ||T(x)-x||
C DistancePreservingRigidityPenalty A penalty term designed to preserve inter-voxel distances within rigid body regions
► C ElastixBase This class creates an interface for elastix
C MultipleImageLoader
C ElastixMain A class with all functionality to configure elastix
C ElastixTemplate The main elastix class, which connects components and invokes the BeforeRegistration() , BeforeEachResolution() , etc. methods
C ElastixTypedef
C EulerStackTransform A stack transform based on the itk EulerTransforms
C EulerTransformElastix A transform based on the itk EulerTransforms
C ExternalTransform An external transform
C FiniteDifferenceGradientDescent An optimizer based on the itk::FiniteDifferenceGradientDescentOptimizer
C FixedGenericPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::GenericMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
C FixedImageDimensionSupport
C FixedImageDimensionSupport< maxSupportedImageDimension+1 >
C FixedImagePyramidBase This class is the elastix base class for all FixedImagePyramids
C FixedRecursivePyramid A pyramid based on the itk::RecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
C FixedShrinkingPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::MultiResolutionShrinkPyramidImageFilter
C FixedSmoothingPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::MultiResolutionGaussianSmoothingPyramidImageFilter
C FullSampler An interpolator based on the itk::ImageFullSampler
C FullSearch An optimizer based on the itk::FullSearchOptimizer
C GenericPyramidHelper
C GradientDifferenceMetric An metric based on the itk::GradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric
C GridSampler An interpolator based on the itk::ImageGridSampler
C ImageSamplerBase This class is the elastix base class for all ImageSamplers
C InstallFunctions A class with functions that are used to install elastix components
C InterpolatorBase This class is the elastix base class for all Interpolators
C IterationInfo
C KNNGraphAlphaMutualInformationMetric A metric based on the itk::KNNGraphAlphaMutualInformationImageToImageMetric
C LinearInterpolator An interpolator based on the itk::AdvancedLinearInterpolateImageFunction
C LinearResampleInterpolator A linear resample-interpolator
► C log
C guard
C MainBase Common (abstract) base class of ElastixMain and TransformixMain
C MetricBase This class is the elastix base class for all Metrics
C MissingStructurePenalty
C MovingGenericPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::GenericMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
C MovingImagePyramidBase This class is the elastix base class for all MovingImagePyramids
C MovingRecursivePyramid A pyramid based on the itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
C MovingShrinkingPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::MultiResolutionShrinkPyramidImageFilter
C MovingSmoothingPyramid A pyramid based on the itkMultiResolutionGaussianSmoothingPyramidImageFilter
C MultiBSplineTransformWithNormal A transform based on the itkMultiBSplineDeformableTransformWithNormal
C MultiInputRandomCoordinateSampler An interpolator based on the itk::MultiInputImageRandomCoordinateSampler
C MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration A registration framework based on the itk::MultiMetricMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
C MultiResolutionRegistration A registration framework based on the itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
C MultiResolutionRegistrationWithFeatures A registration framework based on the itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodWithFeatures
C NearestNeighborInterpolator An interpolator based on the itkNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
C NearestNeighborResampleInterpolator A nearest neighbor resample-interpolator
C NormalizedGradientCorrelationMetric An metric based on the itk::NormalizedGradientCorrelationImageToImageMetric
C NormalizedMutualInformationMetric A metric based on the itk::ParzenWindowNormalizedMutualInformationImageToImageMetric
C OpenCLFixedGenericPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::GenericMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter . The parameters used in this class are:
C OpenCLMovingGenericPyramid A pyramid based on the itk::GenericMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter . The parameters used in this class are:
C OpenCLResampler A resampler based on the itk::GPUResampleImageFilter . The parameters used in this class are:
► C OptimizerBase This class is the elastix base class for all Optimizers
C SettingsType
C ParameterObject
C PatternIntensityMetric An metric based on the itk::PatternIntensityImageToImageMetric
C PCAMetric
This metric is based on the AdvancedImageToImageMetric. It is templated over the type of the fixed and moving images to be compared
C PCAMetric2 This metric is based on the AdvancedImageToImageMetric. It is templated over the type of the fixed and moving images to be compared
C PolydataDummyPenalty A dummy metric to generate transformed meshes at each iteration. This metric does not contribute to the cost function, but provides the options to read vtk polydata meshes from the command-line and write the transformed meshes to disk each iteration or resolution level. The command-line options for input meshes is: -fmesh<[A-Z]><MetricNumber>. This metric can be used as a base for other mesh-based penalties
C Powell An optimizer based on Powell ..
C PreconditionedStochasticGradientDescent A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain
C ProgressCommand A specialized Command object for updating the progress of a filter
C QuasiNewtonLBFGS An optimizer based on the itk::QuasiNewtonLBFGSOptimizer
C RandomCoordinateSampler An interpolator based on the itk::ImageRandomCoordinateSampler
C RandomSampler An interpolator based on the itk::ImageRandomSampler
C RandomSamplerSparseMask An interpolator based on the itk::ImageRandomSamplerSparseMask
C RayCastInterpolator An interpolator based on the itkAdvancedRayCastInterpolateImageFunction
C RayCastResampleInterpolator An interpolator based on ..
C RecursiveBSplineTransform A transform based on the itkRecursiveBSplineTransform
C ReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolator An interpolator based on the itkReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
C ReducedDimensionBSplineResampleInterpolator A resample-interpolator based on B-splines which ignores the last dimension
C RegistrationBase This class is the elastix base class for all Registration schemes
C RegularStepGradientDescent An optimizer based on gradient descent..
C ResampleInterpolatorBase This class is the elastix base class for all ResampleInterpolators
C ResamplerBase
C RSGDEachParameterApart An optimizer based on gradient descent
C SimilarityTransformElastix A transform based on the itk SimilarityTransforms
C Simplex An optimizer based on Simplex ..
C SimultaneousPerturbation An optimizer based on the itk::SPSAOptimizer
C SplineKernelTransform A transform based on the itk::KernelTransform2
C StandardGradientDescent A gradient descent optimizer with a decaying gain
C StatisticalShapePenalty An metric based on the itk::StatisticalShapePointPenalty
C SumOfPairwiseCorrelationCoefficientsMetric Compute the sum of correlation coefficients between images in the slowest varying dimension in the moving image
C SumSquaredTissueVolumeDifferenceMetric A metric based on the itk::SumSquaredTissueVolumeDifferenceImageToImageMetric
C TransformBase This class is the elastix base class for all Transforms
C TransformBendingEnergyPenalty A penalty term based on the bending energy of a thin metal sheet
C TransformFactoryRegistration
C TransformIO
C TransformixMain A class with all functionality to configure transformix
C TransformRigidityPenalty A penalty term based on non-rigidity
C TranslationStackTransform
C TranslationTransformElastix A transform based on the itk::TranslationTransform
C VarianceOverLastDimensionMetric Compute the sum of variances over the slowest varying dimension in the moving image
C WeightedCombinationTransformElastix A transform based on the itk::WeightedCombinationTransform
► N itk
► N Functor
C GPUFunctorBase Base functor class for GPU functor image filters
N ImplementationDetails
► N Statistics
C ListSampleCArray A ListSampleBase that internally uses a CArray, which can be accessed
C AdaptiveStepsizeOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with adaptive gain
C AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescentOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with adaptive gain
C AdaptiveStochasticLBFGSOptimizer
C AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with adaptive gain
C AdvancedBSplineDeformableTransform Deformable transform using a B-spline representation
C AdvancedBSplineDeformableTransformBase Base class for deformable transform using a B-spline representation
C AdvancedCombinationTransform This class combines two transforms: an 'initial transform' with a 'current transform'
C AdvancedEuler3DTransform AdvancedEuler3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedIdentityTransform Implementation of an Identity Transform
► C AdvancedImageMomentsCalculator Compute moments of an n-dimensional image
C ComputePerThreadStruct
C MultiThreaderParameterType
► C AdvancedImageToImageMetric An extension of the ITK ImageToImageMetric. It is the intended base class for all elastix metrics
C DummyMask
C GetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct
C MultiThreaderParameterType
► C AdvancedKappaStatisticImageToImageMetric Computes similarity between two objects to be registered
C KappaGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct
C MultiThreaderAccumulateDerivativeType
C AdvancedLinearInterpolateImageFunction Linearly interpolate an image at specified positions
C AdvancedMatrixOffsetTransformBase
C AdvancedMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric Compute Mean square difference between two images, based on AdvancedImageToImageMetric ..
► C AdvancedNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric Computes normalized correlation between two images, based on AdvancedImageToImageMetric ..
C CorrelationGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct
C MultiThreaderAccumulateDerivativeType
C AdvancedRayCastInterpolateImageFunction Projective interpolation of an image at specified positions
C AdvancedRigid2DTransform AdvancedRigid2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedRigid3DTransform AdvancedRigid3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedSimilarity2DTransform AdvancedSimilarity2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedSimilarity3DTransform AdvancedSimilarity3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedTransform Transform maps points, vectors and covariant vectors from an input space to an output space
C AdvancedTranslationTransform Translation transformation of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedVersorRigid3DTransform AdvancedVersorRigid3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AdvancedVersorTransform
C AffineDTI2DTransform
C AffineDTI3DTransform AffineDTI3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates)
C AffineLogStackTransform
C AffineLogTransform
C ANNbdTree
C ANNBinaryTreeCreator
C ANNBruteForceTree
C ANNFixedRadiusTreeSearch
C ANNPriorityTreeSearch
C ANNStandardTreeSearch
C BinaryANNTreeBase
C BinaryANNTreeSearchBase
C BinaryTreeBase
C BinaryTreeSearchBase
C BSplineDerivativeKernelFunction2 Derivative of a B-spline kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression
C BSplineInterpolationDerivativeWeightFunction Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction
C BSplineInterpolationSecondOrderDerivativeWeightFunction Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction
C BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction2 Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction
C BSplineInterpolationWeightFunctionBase Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction
C BSplineKernelFunction2 B-spline kernel used for density estimation and nonparameteric regression
C BSplineSecondOrderDerivativeKernelFunction2 Derivative of a B-spline kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression
C BSplineStackTransform
C CenteredTransformInitializer2 CenteredTransformInitializer2 is a helper class intended to initialize the center of rotation and the translation of Transforms having the center of rotation among their parameters
C CMAEvolutionStrategyOptimizer A Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy Optimizer
C CombinationImageToImageMetric Combines multiple metrics
► C ComputeDisplacementDistribution This is a helper class for the automatic parameter estimation of the ASGD optimizer
C ComputePerThreadStruct
C MultiThreaderParameterType
► C ComputeImageExtremaFilter Compute minimum and maximum pixel value of an Image
C MinMaxResult
C ComputeJacobianTerms This is a helper class for the automatic parameter estimation of the ASGD optimizer
C ComputePreconditionerUsingDisplacementDistribution This is a helper class for the automatic estimation of a preconditioner for the FPSGD optimizer. // update below More specifically this class computes the Jacobian terms related to the automatic parameter estimation for the adaptive stochastic gradient descent optimizer. Details can be found in the TMI paper
C CorrespondingPointsEuclideanDistancePointMetric Computes the Euclidean distance between a moving point-set and a fixed point-set. Correspondence is needed
C CyclicBSplineDeformableTransform Deformable transform using a B-spline representation in which the B-spline grid is formulated in a cyclic way
C CyclicGridScheduleComputer This class computes all information about the B-spline grid
C DeformationFieldInterpolatingTransform Transform that interpolates a given deformation field
C DeformationFieldRegulizer This class combines any itk transform with the DeformationFieldTransform
C DeformationVectorFieldTransform An itk transform based on a DeformationVectorField
C DisplacementMagnitudePenaltyTerm A cost function that calculates
C DistancePreservingRigidityPenaltyTerm
C ElasticBodyReciprocalSplineKernelTransform2
C ElasticBodySplineKernelTransform2
C ElastixRegistrationMethod
C ErodeMaskImageFilter
C EulerStackTransform
C EulerTransform This class combines the Euler2DTransform with the Euler3DTransform
C EulerTransform< TScalarType, 3 >
C ExponentialLimiterFunction A soft limiter
C FiniteDifferenceGradientDescentOptimizer An optimizer based on gradient descent ..
C FullSearchOptimizer An optimizer based on full search
C GenericConjugateGradientOptimizer A set of conjugate gradient algorithms
C GenericMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid
C GPUAdvancedBSplineDeformableTransform GPU version of AdvancedBSplineDeformableTransform
C GPUAdvancedCombinationTransform GPU version of AdvancedCombinationTransform
► C GPUAdvancedCombinationTransformCopier A helper class which creates an GPU AdvancedCombinationTransform which is perfect copy of the CPU AdvancedCombinationTransform
C TransformSpaceDimensionToType
C GPUAdvancedCombinationTransformFactory2
C GPUAdvancedEuler2DTransform GPU version of AdvancedEuler2DTransform
C GPUAdvancedEuler2DTransformFactory2
C GPUAdvancedEuler3DTransform GPU version of AdvancedEuler3DTransform
C GPUAdvancedEuler3DTransformFactory2
C GPUAdvancedMatrixOffsetTransformBase GPU version of AdvancedMatrixOffsetTransformBase
C GPUAdvancedMatrixOffsetTransformBaseFactory2
C GPUAdvancedSimilarity2DTransform GPU version of AdvancedSimilarity2DTransform
C GPUAdvancedSimilarity2DTransformFactory2
C GPUAdvancedSimilarity3DTransform GPU version of AdvancedSimilarity3DTransform
C GPUAdvancedSimilarity3DTransformFactory2
C GPUAdvancedTranslationTransform GPU version of AdvancedTranslationTransform
C GPUAdvancedTranslationTransformFactory2
C GPUAffineTransform GPU version of AffineTransform
C GPUAffineTransformFactory2
C GPUBSplineBaseTransform GPU base class for the BSplineTransform
C GPUBSplineDecompositionImageFilter GPU version of BSplineDecompositionImageFilter
C GPUBSplineDecompositionImageFilterFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUBSplineDecompositionImageFilter
C GPUBSplineInterpolateImageFunction GPU version of BSplineInterpolateImageFunction
C GPUBSplineInterpolateImageFunctionFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
C GPUBSplineTransform GPU version of BSplineTransform
C GPUBSplineTransformFactory2
C GPUCastImageFilter GPU version of CastImageFilter
C GPUCastImageFilterFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUCastImageFilter
C GPUCompositeTransform GPU version of CompositeTransform
C GPUCompositeTransformBase
C GPUCompositeTransformCopier A helper class which creates an GPU composite transform which is perfect copy of the CPU composite transform
C GPUCompositeTransformFactory2
C GPUDataManager GPU memory manager implemented using OpenCL. Required by GPUImage class
C GPUEuler2DTransform GPU version of Euler2DTransform
C GPUEuler2DTransformFactory2
C GPUEuler3DTransform GPU version of Euler3DTransform
C GPUEuler3DTransformFactory2
C GPUIdentityTransform GPU version of IdentityTransform
C GPUIdentityTransformFactory2
► C GPUImage Templated n-dimensional image class for the GPU
C Rebind
C GPUImageBase1D
C GPUImageBase2D
C GPUImageBase3D
C GPUImageDataManager
C GPUImageFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUImage
C GPUImageToImageFilter Class to abstract the behaviour of the GPU filters
C GPUInPlaceImageFilter Base class for GPU filters that take an image as input and overwrite that image as the output
C GPUInterpolateImageFunction GPU version of InterpolateImageFunction
C GPUInterpolatorBase Base class fro all GPU interpolators
C GPUInterpolatorCopier A helper class which creates an GPU interpolator which is perfect copy of the CPU interpolator
C GPULinearInterpolateImageFunction GPU version of LinearInterpolateImageFunction
C GPULinearInterpolateImageFunctionFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPULinearInterpolateImageFunction
C GPUMatrixOffsetTransformBase Base version of the GPU MatrixOffsetTransform
C GPUNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction GPU version of NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
C GPUNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunctionFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
C GPUObjectFactoryBase Base class for all GPU factory classes
C GPURecursiveGaussianImageFilter GPU version of RecursiveGaussianImageFilter
C GPURecursiveGaussianImageFilterFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPURecursiveGaussianImageFilter
C GPUResampleImageFilter GPU version of ResampleImageFilter
C GPUResampleImageFilterFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUResampleImageFilter
C GPUShrinkImageFilter GPU version of ShrinkImageFilter
C GPUShrinkImageFilterFactory2 Object Factory implementation for GPUShrinkImageFilter
C GPUSimilarity2DTransform GPU version of Similarity2DTransform
C GPUSimilarity2DTransformFactory2
C GPUSimilarity3DTransform GPU version of Similarity3DTransform
C GPUSimilarity3DTransformFactory2
C GPUTransformBase Base class for all GPU transforms
► C GPUTransformCopier A helper class which creates an GPU transform which is perfect copy of the CPU transform
C TransformSpaceDimensionToType
C GPUTranslationTransform GPU version of TranslationTransform
C GPUTranslationTransformBase Base class for all GPU translation transforms
C GPUTranslationTransformFactory2
C GPUUnaryFunctorImageFilter Implements pixel-wise generic operation on one image using the GPU
C GradientDescentOptimizer2 Implement a gradient descent optimizer
C GradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric Computes similarity between two objects to be registered
C GridScheduleComputer This class computes all information about the B-spline grid, given the image information and the desired grid spacing
C HardLimiterFunction A hard limiter
C ImageFileCastWriter Casts pixel type and writes image data
► C ImageFullSampler Samples all voxels in the InputImageRegion
C UserData
C WorkUnit
► C ImageGridSampler Samples image voxels on a regular grid
C UserData
C WorkUnit
► C ImageRandomCoordinateSampler Samples an image by randomly composing a set of physical coordinates
C UserData
► C ImageRandomSampler Samples randomly some voxels of an image
C UserData
C ImageRandomSamplerBase This class is a base class for any image sampler that randomly picks samples
► C ImageRandomSamplerSparseMask Samples randomly some voxels of an image
C UserData
C ImageSample A class that defines an image sample, which is the coordinates of a point and its value
C ImageSamplerBase This class is a base class for any image sampler
C ImageToImageMetricWithFeatures Computes similarity between regions of two images
C KernelFunctionBase2 Kernel used for density estimation and nonparameteric regression
C KernelTransform2
C KNNGraphAlphaMutualInformationImageToImageMetric Computes similarity between two images to be registered
C LimiterFunctionBase Base class for all ITK limiter function objects
C LineSearchOptimizer A base class for LineSearch optimizers
C MeshFileReaderBase Base class for mesh readers
C MeshPenalty A dummy metric to generate transformed meshes each iteration
C MevisDicomTiffImageIO
C MevisDicomTiffImageIOFactory Create instances of MevisDicomTiffImageIO objects using an object factory
C MissingVolumeMeshPenalty Computes the (pseudo) volume of the transformed surface mesh of a structure.
C MoreThuenteLineSearchOptimizer ITK version of the MoreThuente line search algorithm
C MultiBSplineDeformableTransformWithNormal This transform is a composition of B-spline transformations, allowing sliding motion between different labels
C MultiInputImageRandomCoordinateSampler Samples an image by randomly composing a set of physical coordinates
C MultiInputImageToImageMetricBase Implements a metric base class that takes multiple inputs
C MultiInputMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodBase Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods
C MultiMetricMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods
C MultiOrderBSplineDecompositionImageFilter Calculates the B-Spline coefficients of an image. Spline order may be per dimension from 0 to 5 per
C MultiResolutionGaussianSmoothingPyramidImageFilter Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid
C MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod2 Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods
C MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodWithFeatures Class for multi-resolution image registration methods
C MultiResolutionShrinkPyramidImageFilter Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid
C NDImageBase An image whose dimension can be specified at runtime
C NDImageTemplate This class is a specialization of the NDImageBase , which acts as a wrap around an itk::Image
C NormalizedGradientCorrelationImageToImageMetric An metric based on the itk::NormalizedGradientCorrelationImageToImageMetric
C OpenCLBuffer OpenCL buffer object
C OpenCLCommandQueue OpenCL a command-queue on a specific device and valid OpenCLContext
C OpenCLCompileError
C OpenCLContext OpenCL context
C OpenCLContextScopeGuard
C OpenCLDefaultImageDimentions Default OpenCL image dimensions support struct
C OpenCLDevice Collection of OpenCL devices to be used by the host
C OpenCLEvent OpenCLEvent class represents an OpenCL event object
C OpenCLEventList OpenCLEventList class represents a list of OpenCLEvent objects
C OpenCLImage Image object is used to store a one, two or three dimensional texture, frame-buffer or image
C OpenCLImageFormat Format of a OpenCLImage
C OpenCLKernel Executable entry point function in an OpenCL program
► C OpenCLKernelManager OpenCL kernel manager implemented using OpenCL
C KernelArgumentList
C OpenCLKernelToImageBridge
C OpenCLLogger Used for logging OpenCL compiler errors during a run
C OpenCLMemoryObject All common memory objects such as buffers and image objects
C OpenCLPlatform The OpenCLPlatform represent platform model for OpenCL
C OpenCLProfilingTimeProbe Computes the time passed between two points in code
C OpenCLProgram OpenCL program object
C OpenCLSampler OpenCL sampler object
► C OpenCLSize Defines the size of an item of work for an OpenCL kernel
C Null
C OpenCLUserEvent OpenCL user events
C OpenCLVector The OpenCLVector class represents a templated OpenCL buffer object
C OpenCLVectorBase The base class for the OpenCLVector implementation
C ParabolicErodeDilateImageFilter Parent class for morphological operations with parabolic structuring elements
C ParabolicErodeImageFilter Class for morphological erosion operations with parabolic structuring elements
C ParameterFileParser Implements functionality to read a parameter file
C ParameterMapInterface Implements functionality to get parameters from a parameter map
► C ParzenWindowHistogramImageToImageMetric A base class for image metrics based on a joint histogram computed using Parzen Windowing
C ParzenWindowHistogramGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct
C ParzenWindowHistogramMultiThreaderParameterType
► C ParzenWindowMutualInformationImageToImageMetric Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the method of Mattes et al
C ParzenWindowMutualInformationMultiThreaderParameterType
C ParzenWindowNormalizedMutualInformationImageToImageMetric Computes the normalized mutual information between two images to be registered using a method based on Thevenaz&Unser [3]
C PatternIntensityImageToImageMetric Computes similarity between two objects to be registered
► C PCAMetric
C PCAMetricGetSamplesPerThreadStruct
C PCAMetricMultiThreaderParameterType
C PCAMetric2
C PreconditionedASGDOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with adaptive gain
C QuasiNewtonLBFGSOptimizer ITK version of the lbfgs algorithm ..
C RecursiveBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction
C RecursiveBSplineTransform A recursive implementation of the B-spline transform
C RecursiveBSplineTransformImplementation This helper class contains the actual implementation of the recursive B-spline transform
C RecursiveBSplineTransformImplementation< OutputDimension, 0, SplineOrder, TScalar >
C ReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolateImageFunction Evaluates the B-Spline interpolation of an image. Spline order may be from 0 to 5
C RSGDEachParameterApartBaseOptimizer An optimizer based on gradient descent..
C RSGDEachParameterApartOptimizer An optimizer based on gradient descent
C ScaledSingleValuedCostFunction A cost function that applies a scaling to another cost function
C ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
C SingleValuedPointSetToPointSetMetric Computes similarity between two point sets
C StackTransform Implements stack of transforms: one for every last dimension index
C StandardGradientDescentOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with a decaying gain
C StandardStochasticGradientOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with a decaying gain
C StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer This class implements a gradient descent optimizer with a decaying gain
C StatisticalShapePointPenalty Computes the Mahalanobis distance between the transformed shape and a mean shape. A model mean and covariance are required
► C StochasticGradientDescentOptimizer Implement a gradient descent optimizer
C MultiThreaderParameterType
► C StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer Implement a gradient descent optimizer
C MultiThreaderParameterType
C SumOfPairwiseCorrelationCoefficientsMetric
C SumSquaredTissueVolumeDifferenceImageToImageMetric Compute sum of square tissue volume difference between two images
C ThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform2
C ThinPlateSplineKernelTransform2
C TransformBendingEnergyPenaltyTerm A cost function that calculates the bending energy of a transformation
C TransformixFilter
C TransformixInputPointFileReader A reader that understands transformix input point files
C TransformPenaltyTerm A cost function that calculates a penalty term on a transformation
C TransformRigidityPenaltyTerm A cost function that calculates a rigidity penalty term
C TransformToDeterminantOfSpatialJacobianSource Generate the spatial Jacobian from a coordinate transform
C TransformToSpatialJacobianSource Generate the spatial Jacobian matrix from a coordinate transform
C TranslationStackTransform
C TranslationTransformInitializer TranslationTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the translation of a TranslationTransforms
C UpsampleBSplineParametersFilter Convenience class for upsampling a B-spline coefficient image
C VarianceOverLastDimensionImageMetric Compute the sum of variances over the slowest varying dimension in the moving image
C VectorContainerSource A base class for creating an ImageToVectorContainerFilter
C VectorDataContainer Define a front-end to the STL "vector" container that conforms to the IndexedContainerInterface
C VectorMeanDiffusionImageFilter Applies an averaging filter to an image
C VolumeSplineKernelTransform2
C WeightedCombinationTransform Implements a weighted linear combination of multiple transforms
► N transformix