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itk::OpenCLDevice Class Reference

#include <itkOpenCLDevice.h>

Detailed Description

The OpenCLDevice class represents the collection of OpenCL devices to be used by the host.

The OpenCL framework allows applications to use a host and one or more OpenCL devices as a single heterogeneous parallel computer system. The GetDeviceType() can be used to query specific OpenCL devices or all OpenCL devices available. The valid values for GetDeviceType() are

\table \row \o Default \o The default OpenCL device in the system. The default device cannot be a {CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM} device. \row \o CPU \o An OpenCL device that is the host processor. The host processor runs the OpenCL implementations and is a single or multi-core CPU. \row \o GPU \o An OpenCL device that is a GPU. By this we mean that the device can also be used to accelerate a 3D API such as OpenGL or DirectX. \row \o Accelerator \o Dedicated OpenCL accelerators (for example the IBM CELL Blade). These devices communicate with the host processor using a peripheral interconnect such as PCIe. \row \o Custom \o Dedicated accelerators that do not support programs written in OpenCL C. \row \o All \o All OpenCL devices available in the system except {CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM} devices. \endtable

The GetDevices() function can be used to find all devices of a specific type, optionally constrained by the OpenCLPlatform they belong to.

See also
OpenCLPlatform, OpenCLContext

Definition at line 58 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

Public Types

enum  CacheType { NoCache = 0 , ReadOnlyCache = 1 , ReadWriteCache = 2 }
enum  DeviceType {
  Default = (1 << 0) , CPU = (1 << 1) , GPU = (1 << 2) , Accelerator = (1 << 3) ,
  Custom = (1 << 4) , All = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  Endian { BigEndian , LittleEndian }
enum  FloatCapability {
  NotSupported = 0x0000 , Denorm = 0x0001 , InfinityNaN = 0x0002 , RoundNearest = 0x0004 ,
  RoundZero = 0x0008 , RoundInfinity = 0x0010 , FusedMultiplyAdd = 0x0020
using Self = OpenCLDevice

Public Member Functions

unsigned int GetAddressBits () const
OpenCLDevice::Endian GetByteOrder () const
unsigned int GetClockFrequency () const
unsigned int GetComputeUnits () const
unsigned int GetDefaultAlignment () const
cl_device_id GetDeviceId () const
OpenCLDevice::DeviceType GetDeviceType () const
FloatCapability GetDoubleCapabilities () const
std::string GetDriverVersion () const
std::list< std::string > GetExtensions () const
FloatCapability GetFloatCapabilities () const
unsigned int GetGlobalMemoryCacheLineSize () const
unsigned long GetGlobalMemoryCacheSize () const
CacheType GetGlobalMemoryCacheType () const
unsigned long GetGlobalMemorySize () const
FloatCapability GetHalfFloatCapabilities () const
std::string GetLanguageVersion () const
unsigned long GetLocalMemorySize () const
unsigned long GetMaximumAllocationSize () const
unsigned int GetMaximumConstantArguments () const
unsigned long GetMaximumConstantBufferSize () const
OpenCLSize GetMaximumImage2DSize () const
OpenCLSize GetMaximumImage3DSize () const
std::vcl_size_t GetMaximumParameterBytes () const
unsigned int GetMaximumReadImages () const
unsigned int GetMaximumSamplers () const
OpenCLSize GetMaximumWorkItemSize () const
std::vcl_size_t GetMaximumWorkItemsPerGroup () const
unsigned int GetMaximumWriteImages () const
unsigned int GetMinimumAlignment () const
std::string GetName () const
unsigned int GetNativeCharVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeDoubleVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeFloatVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeHalfFloatVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeIntVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeLongVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetNativeShortVectorSize () const
OpenCLVersion GetOpenCLVersion () const
OpenCLPlatform GetPlatform () const
unsigned int GetPreferredCharVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredDoubleVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredFloatVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredHalfFloatVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredIntVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredLongVectorSize () const
unsigned int GetPreferredShortVectorSize () const
std::string GetProfile () const
std::vcl_size_t GetProfilingTimerResolution () const
std::string GetVendor () const
unsigned int GetVendorId () const
std::string GetVersion () const
bool HasCompiler () const
bool HasDouble () const
bool HasErrorCorrectingMemory () const
bool HasExtension (const std::string &name) const
bool HasHalfFloat () const
bool HasImage2D () const
bool HasImage3D () const
bool HasNativeKernels () const
bool HasOutOfOrderExecution () const
bool HasUnifiedMemory () const
bool HasWritableImage3D () const
bool IsAvailable () const
bool IsEmbeddedProfile () const
bool IsFullProfile () const
bool IsLocalMemorySeparate () const
bool IsNull () const
 OpenCLDevice ()
 OpenCLDevice (cl_device_id id)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::list< OpenCLDeviceGetAllDevices ()
static std::list< OpenCLDeviceGetDevices (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type, const OpenCLPlatform::VendorType vendor)
static std::list< OpenCLDeviceGetDevices (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType types, const OpenCLPlatform &platform=OpenCLPlatform())
static OpenCLDevice GetMaximumFlopsDevice (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type)
static OpenCLDevice GetMaximumFlopsDevice (const std::list< OpenCLDevice > &devices, const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type)
static OpenCLDevice GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByPlatform (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType types, const OpenCLPlatform &platform=OpenCLPlatform())
static OpenCLDevice GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByVendor (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type, const OpenCLPlatform::VendorType vendor)
static std::list< OpenCLDeviceGetMaximumFlopsDevices (const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type, const OpenCLPlatform &platform=OpenCLPlatform())

Private Attributes

cl_device_id m_Id
int m_Version

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Self

Standard class typedefs.

Definition at line 62 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CacheType


Definition at line 423 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ DeviceType


Definition at line 85 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ Endian


Definition at line 95 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ FloatCapability


Definition at line 370 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenCLDevice() [1/2]

itk::OpenCLDevice::OpenCLDevice ( )

Constructs a default OpenCL device identifier.

Definition at line 65 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ OpenCLDevice() [2/2]

itk::OpenCLDevice::OpenCLDevice ( cl_device_id id)

Constructs an OpenCL device identifier that corresponds to the native OpenCL value id.

Definition at line 72 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAddressBits()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetAddressBits ( ) const

Returns the number of address bits used by the device, usually 32 or 64.

◆ GetAllDevices()

static std::list< OpenCLDevice > itk::OpenCLDevice::GetAllDevices ( )

Returns a list of all OpenCL devices on all platforms on this system.

See also

◆ GetByteOrder()

OpenCLDevice::Endian itk::OpenCLDevice::GetByteOrder ( ) const

Returns the byte order of the device, indicating little endian or big endian.

◆ GetClockFrequency()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetClockFrequency ( ) const

Returns the maximum clock frequency for this device in MHz.

◆ GetComputeUnits()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetComputeUnits ( ) const

Returns the number of parallel compute units on the device.

◆ GetDefaultAlignment()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDefaultAlignment ( ) const

Returns the default alignment for allocated memory in bytes.

See also

◆ GetDeviceId()

cl_device_id itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDeviceId ( ) const

Returns the native OpenCL device identifier for this object.

Definition at line 110 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ GetDevices() [1/2]

static std::list< OpenCLDevice > itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDevices ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type,
const OpenCLPlatform::VendorType vendor )

Returns a list of all OpenCL devices that match types on vendor on this system.

See also

◆ GetDevices() [2/2]

static std::list< OpenCLDevice > itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDevices ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType types,
const OpenCLPlatform & platform = OpenCLPlatform() )

Returns a list of all OpenCL devices that match types on platform on this system. If platform is null, then the first platform that has devices matching types will be used.

See also

◆ GetDeviceType()

OpenCLDevice::DeviceType itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDeviceType ( ) const

Returns the type of this device. It is possible for a device to have more than one type.

◆ GetDoubleCapabilities()

FloatCapability itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDoubleCapabilities ( ) const

Returns a set of flags that describes the floating-point capabilities of the {double} type on this device. Returns OpenCLDevice::NotSupported if operations on {double} are not supported by the device.

See also

◆ GetDriverVersion()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetDriverVersion ( ) const

Returns the driver version of this OpenCL device.

See also

◆ GetExtensions()

std::list< std::string > itk::OpenCLDevice::GetExtensions ( ) const

Returns a list of the extensions supported by this OpenCL device.

See also

◆ GetFloatCapabilities()

FloatCapability itk::OpenCLDevice::GetFloatCapabilities ( ) const

Returns a set of flags that describes the floating-point capabilities of the {float} type on this device.

◆ GetGlobalMemoryCacheLineSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetGlobalMemoryCacheLineSize ( ) const

Returns the size of a single global memory cache line in bytes.

See also

◆ GetGlobalMemoryCacheSize()

unsigned long itk::OpenCLDevice::GetGlobalMemoryCacheSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the global memory cache in bytes.

See also
GetGlobalMemorySize(), GetGlobalMemoryCacheLineSize()

◆ GetGlobalMemoryCacheType()

CacheType itk::OpenCLDevice::GetGlobalMemoryCacheType ( ) const

Returns the type of global memory cache that is supported by the device.

◆ GetGlobalMemorySize()

unsigned long itk::OpenCLDevice::GetGlobalMemorySize ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes of global memory in the device.

See also
GetGlobalMemoryCacheSize(), localMemorySize()

◆ GetHalfFloatCapabilities()

FloatCapability itk::OpenCLDevice::GetHalfFloatCapabilities ( ) const

Returns a set of flags that describes the floating-point capabilities of the {half} type on this device. Returns OpenCLDevice::NotSupported if operations on {half} are not supported by the device.

See also

◆ GetLanguageVersion()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetLanguageVersion ( ) const

Returns the highest version of the OpenCL language supported by this device's compiler. For example, {OpenCL 1.1}.

◆ GetLocalMemorySize()

unsigned long itk::OpenCLDevice::GetLocalMemorySize ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes of local memory in the device.

See also
GetGlobalMemorySize(), IsLocalMemorySeparate()

◆ GetMaximumAllocationSize()

unsigned long itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumAllocationSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum memory allocation size in bytes.

See also

◆ GetMaximumConstantArguments()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumConstantArguments ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of constant arguments that can be passed to a kernel.

See also

◆ GetMaximumConstantBufferSize()

unsigned long itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumConstantBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum size for a constant buffer allocation.

See also

◆ GetMaximumFlopsDevice() [1/2]

static OpenCLDevice itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumFlopsDevice ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type)

Returns the device with maximal flops on this system that match type.

See also
GetAllDevices(), GetMaximumFlopsDevices()

◆ GetMaximumFlopsDevice() [2/2]

static OpenCLDevice itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumFlopsDevice ( const std::list< OpenCLDevice > & devices,
const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type )

Returns the device with maximal flops on this system that match type.

See also

◆ GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByPlatform()

static OpenCLDevice itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByPlatform ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType types,
const OpenCLPlatform & platform = OpenCLPlatform() )

Returns the device with maximal flops from the context that match types on platform on this system.

See also
GetMaximumFlopsDevice(), GetAllDevices()

◆ GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByVendor()

static OpenCLDevice itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumFlopsDeviceByVendor ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type,
const OpenCLPlatform::VendorType vendor )

Returns the device with maximal flops on this system that match types and vendor on this system.

See also
GetAllDevices(), GetMaximumFlopsDevices()

◆ GetMaximumFlopsDevices()

static std::list< OpenCLDevice > itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumFlopsDevices ( const OpenCLDevice::DeviceType type,
const OpenCLPlatform & platform = OpenCLPlatform() )

Returns the devices with maximal flops on this system, sorted according to maximal flops. The device with maximal flops will be the first element in the list container.

See also
GetAllDevices(), GetMaximumFlopsDevice()

◆ GetMaximumImage2DSize()

OpenCLSize itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumImage2DSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum size of 2D images that are supported by this device; or an empty SizeType2D if images are not supported.

See also
GetMaximumImage3DSize(), HasImage2D()

◆ GetMaximumImage3DSize()

OpenCLSize itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumImage3DSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum size of 3D images that are supported by this device; or (0, 0, 0) if images are not supported.

See also
GetMaximumImage2DSize(), HasImage3D()

◆ GetMaximumParameterBytes()

std::vcl_size_t itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumParameterBytes ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of parameter bytes that can be passed to a kernel.

◆ GetMaximumReadImages()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumReadImages ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of image objects that can be read simultaneously by a kernel; 0 if images are not supported.

See also

◆ GetMaximumSamplers()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumSamplers ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of image samplers that can be used in a kernel at one time; 0 if images are not supported.

◆ GetMaximumWorkItemSize()

OpenCLSize itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumWorkItemSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum work size for this device.

See also

◆ GetMaximumWorkItemsPerGroup()

std::vcl_size_t itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumWorkItemsPerGroup ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of work items in a work group executing a kernel using data parallel execution.

See also

◆ GetMaximumWriteImages()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMaximumWriteImages ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of image objects that can be written simultaneously by a kernel; 0 if images are not supported.

See also

◆ GetMinimumAlignment()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetMinimumAlignment ( ) const

Returns the minimum alignment for any data type in bytes.

See also

◆ GetName()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetName ( ) const

Returns the name of this OpenCL device.

◆ GetNativeCharVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeCharVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {char} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {char} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0.

◆ GetNativeDoubleVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeDoubleVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {double} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {double} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0, or if the device does not support {double}.

See also

◆ GetNativeFloatVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeFloatVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {float} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {float} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0.

◆ GetNativeHalfFloatVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeHalfFloatVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {half} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {half} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0, or if the device does not support {half}.

See also

◆ GetNativeIntVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeIntVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {int} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {int} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0.

◆ GetNativeLongVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeLongVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {long} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {long} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0.

◆ GetNativeShortVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetNativeShortVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the native size for vectors of type {short} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {short} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero on OpenCL 1.0.

◆ GetOpenCLVersion()

OpenCLVersion itk::OpenCLDevice::GetOpenCLVersion ( ) const

Returns the OpenCL versions supported by this device.

See also
GetVersion(), OpenCLPlatform::GetOpenCLVersion()

◆ GetPlatform()

OpenCLPlatform itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPlatform ( ) const

Returns the platform identifier for this device.

◆ GetPreferredCharVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredCharVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {char} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {char} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance.

◆ GetPreferredDoubleVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredDoubleVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {double} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {double} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero if the device does not support {double}.

See also

◆ GetPreferredFloatVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredFloatVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {float} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {float} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance.

◆ GetPreferredHalfFloatVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredHalfFloatVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {half} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {half} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance. Returns zero if the device does not support {half}, or the device does not support OpenCL 1.1.

See also

◆ GetPreferredIntVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredIntVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {int} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {int} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance.

◆ GetPreferredLongVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredLongVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {long} in the device. For example, 2 indicates that 2 {long} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance.

◆ GetPreferredShortVectorSize()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetPreferredShortVectorSize ( ) const

Returns the preferred size for vectors of type {short} in the device. For example, 4 indicates that 4 {short} values can be packed into a vector and operated on as a unit for optimal performance.

◆ GetProfile()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetProfile ( ) const

Returns the profile that is implemented by this OpenCL device, usually FULL_PROFILE or EMBEDDED_PROFILE.

See also
isFullProfile(), isEmbeddedProfile()

◆ GetProfilingTimerResolution()

std::vcl_size_t itk::OpenCLDevice::GetProfilingTimerResolution ( ) const

Returns the resolution of the device profiling timer in nanoseconds.

See also

◆ GetVendor()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetVendor ( ) const

Returns the vendor of this OpenCL device.

◆ GetVendorId()

unsigned int itk::OpenCLDevice::GetVendorId ( ) const

Returns the vendor's identifier for this device.

◆ GetVersion()

std::string itk::OpenCLDevice::GetVersion ( ) const

Returns the OpenCL version that is implemented by this OpenCL device, usually something like {OpenCL 1.0}. The versionFlags() function parses the version into flag bits that are easier to test than the string returned by version().

See also
GetOpenCLVersion(), GetDriverVersion()

◆ HasCompiler()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasCompiler ( ) const

Returns true if this device has a compiler available, false otherwise.

◆ HasDouble()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasDouble ( ) const

Returns true if this device supports the {double} type via the {cl_khr_fp64} extension, false otherwise.

◆ HasErrorCorrectingMemory()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasErrorCorrectingMemory ( ) const

Returns true if the device implements error correction on its memory areas, false otherwise.

◆ HasExtension()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasExtension ( const std::string & name) const

Returns true if this device has an extension called name, false otherwise. This function is more efficient than checking for name in the return value from extensions(), if the caller is only interested in a single extension. Use extensions() to check for several extensions at once.

See also

◆ HasHalfFloat()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasHalfFloat ( ) const

Returns true if this device supports operations on the {half} type via the {cl_khr_fp16} extension, false otherwise. Note: {half} is supported by the OpenCL 1.0 core specification for data storage even if this function returns false. However, kernels can only perform arithmetic operations on {half} values if this function returns true.

◆ HasImage2D()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasImage2D ( ) const

Returns true if this device has 2D image support, false otherwise.

◆ HasImage3D()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasImage3D ( ) const

Returns true if this device has 3D image support, false otherwise.

◆ HasNativeKernels()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasNativeKernels ( ) const

Returns true if this device has support for executing native kernels, false otherwise.

◆ HasOutOfOrderExecution()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasOutOfOrderExecution ( ) const

Returns true if this device supports out of order execution of commands on a OpenCLCommandQueue, false otherwise.

See also

◆ HasUnifiedMemory()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasUnifiedMemory ( ) const

Returns true if the device and the host share a unified memory address space, false otherwise.

◆ HasWritableImage3D()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::HasWritableImage3D ( ) const

Returns true if this device supports writing to 3D images via the {cl_khr_3d_image_writes} extension, false otherwise.

◆ IsAvailable()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::IsAvailable ( ) const

Returns true if this device is available, false otherwise.

◆ IsEmbeddedProfile()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::IsEmbeddedProfile ( ) const

Returns true if profile() is EMBEDDED_PROFILE, false otherwise.

See also

◆ IsFullProfile()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::IsFullProfile ( ) const

Returns true if profile() is FULL_PROFILE, false otherwise.

See also

◆ IsLocalMemorySeparate()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::IsLocalMemorySeparate ( ) const

Returns true if the local memory on this device is in a separate dedicated storage area from global memory; false if local memory is allocated from global memory.

See also

◆ IsNull()

bool itk::OpenCLDevice::IsNull ( ) const

Returns true if this OpenCL device identifier is null.

Definition at line 103 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

Field Documentation

◆ m_Id

cl_device_id itk::OpenCLDevice::m_Id

Definition at line 579 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

◆ m_Version

int itk::OpenCLDevice::m_Version

Definition at line 580 of file itkOpenCLDevice.h.

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