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elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix > Class Template Reference

#include <elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h>

Detailed Description

template<class TElastix>
class elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >

A gradient descent optimizer with an adaptive gain.

This class is a wrap around the AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer class. It takes care of setting parameters and printing progress information. For more information about the optimization method, please read the documentation of the AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer class.

This optimizer is very suitable to be used in combination with the Random image sampler, or with the RandomCoordinate image sampler, with the setting (NewSamplesEveryIteration "true"). Much effort has been spent on providing reasonable default values for all parameters, to simplify usage. In most registration problems, good results should be obtained without specifying any of the parameters described below (except the first of course, which defines the optimizer to use).

This optimization method is described in the following references:

[1] P. Cruz Almost sure convergence and asymptotical normality of a generalization of Kesten's stochastic approximation algorithm for multidimensional case Technical Report, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2052/74

[2] S. Klein, J.P.W. Pluim, and M. Staring, M.A. Viergever, Adaptive stochastic gradient descent optimisation for image registration International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 227-239, 2009 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11263-008-0168-y

Acceleration in case of many transform parameters was proposed in the following paper:

[3] Y.Qiao, B.P.F. Lelieveldt, M.Staring Fast Automatic Step Size Estimation for Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 391 - 403, February 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2015.2476354

The parameters used in this class are:


Optimizer: Select this optimizer as follows:
(Optimizer "AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient")

MaximumNumberOfIterations: The maximum number of iterations in each resolution.
example: (MaximumNumberOfIterations 100 100 50)
Default/recommended value: 500. When you are in a hurry, you may go down to 250 for example. When you have plenty of time, and want to be absolutely sure of the best results, a setting of 2000 is reasonable. In general, 500 gives satisfactory results.

MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts: The maximum number of sampling attempts. Sometimes not enough corresponding samples can be drawn, upon which an exception is thrown. With this parameter it is possible to try to draw another set of samples.
example: (MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts 10 15 10)
Default value: 0, i.e. just fail immediately, for backward compatibility.

AutomaticParameterEstimation: When this parameter is set to "true", many other parameters are calculated automatically: SP_a, SP_alpha, SigmoidMax, SigmoidMin, and SigmoidScale. In the elastix.log file the actually chosen values for these parameters can be found.
example: (AutomaticParameterEstimation "true")
Default/recommended value: "true". The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.

UseAdaptiveStepSizes: When this parameter is set to "true", the adaptive step size mechanism described in the documentation of itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer is used. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (UseAdaptiveStepSizes "true")
Default/recommend value: "true", because it makes the registration more robust. In case of using a RandomCoordinate sampler, with (UseRandomSampleRegion "true"), the adaptive step size mechanism is turned off, no matter the user setting.

MaximumStepLength: Also called $\delta$. This parameter can be considered as the maximum voxel displacement between two iterations. The larger this parameter, the more agressive the optimization. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (MaximumStepLength 1.0)
Default: mean voxel spacing of fixed and moving image. This seems to work well in general. This parameter only has influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

SP_a: The gain $a(k)$ at each iteration $k$ is defined by
$a(k) =  SP\_a / (SP\_A + k + 1)^{SP\_alpha}$.
SP_a can be defined for each resolution.
example: (SP_a 3200.0 3200.0 1600.0)
The default value is 400.0. Tuning this variable for you specific problem is recommended. Alternatively set the AutomaticParameterEstimation to "true". In that case, you do not need to specify SP_a. SP_a has no influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

SP_A: The gain $a(k)$ at each iteration $k$ is defined by
$a(k) =  SP\_a / (SP\_A + k + 1)^{SP\_alpha}$.
SP_A can be defined for each resolution.
example: (SP_A 50.0 50.0 100.0)
The default/recommended value for this particular optimizer is 20.0.

SP_alpha: The gain $a(k)$ at each iteration $k$ is defined by
$a(k) =  SP\_a / (SP\_A + k + 1)^{SP\_alpha}$.
SP_alpha can be defined for each resolution.
example: (SP_alpha 0.602 0.602 0.602)
The default/recommended value for this particular optimizer is 1.0. Alternatively set the AutomaticParameterEstimation to "true". In that case, you do not need to specify SP_alpha. SP_alpha has no influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

SigmoidMax: The maximum of the sigmoid function ( $f_{max}$). Must be larger than 0. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (SigmoidMax 1.0)
Default/recommended value: 1.0. This parameter has no influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used. In that case, always a value 1.0 is used.

SigmoidMin: The minimum of the sigmoid function ( $f_{min}$). Must be smaller than 0. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (SigmoidMin -0.8)
Default value: -0.8. This parameter has no influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used. In that case, the value is automatically determined, depending on the images, metric etc.

SigmoidScale: The scale/width of the sigmoid function ( $\omega$). The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (SigmoidScale 0.00001)
Default value: 1e-8. This parameter has no influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used. In that case, the value is automatically determined, depending on the images, metric etc.

SigmoidInitialTime: the initial time input for the sigmoid ( $t_0$). Must be larger than 0.0. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (SigmoidInitialTime 0.0 5.0 5.0)
Default value: 0.0. When increased, the optimization starts with smaller steps, leaving the possibility to increase the steps when necessary. If set to 0.0, the method starts with with the largest step allowed.

NumberOfGradientMeasurements: Number of gradients N to estimate the average square magnitudes of the exact gradient and the approximation error. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (NumberOfGradientMeasurements 10)
Default value: 0, which means that the value is automatically estimated. In principle, the more the better, but the slower. In practice N=10 is usually sufficient. But the automatic estimation achieved by N=0 also works good. The parameter has only influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

NumberOfJacobianMeasurements: The number of voxels M where the Jacobian is measured, which is used to estimate the covariance matrix. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (NumberOfJacobianMeasurements 5000 10000 20000)
Default value: M = max( 1000, nrofparams ), with nrofparams the number of transform parameters. This is a rather crude rule of thumb, which seems to work in practice. In principle, the more the better, but the slower. The parameter has only influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient: The number of image samples used to compute the 'exact' gradient. The samples are chosen on a uniform grid. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient 100000)
Default/recommended: 100000. This works in general. If the image is smaller, the number of samples is automatically reduced. In principle, the more the better, but the slower. The parameter has only influence when AutomaticParameterEstimation is used.

ASGDParameterEstimationMethod: The ASGD parameter estimation method used in this optimizer. The parameter can be specified for each resolution.
example: (ASGDParameterEstimationMethod "Original")
or (ASGDParameterEstimationMethod "DisplacementDistribution")
Default: Original.

MaximumDisplacementEstimationMethod: The suitable position selection method used only for displacement distribution estimation method. The parameter can be specified for each resolution.
example: (MaximumDisplacementEstimationMethod "2sigma")
or (MaximumDisplacementEstimationMethod "95percentile")
Default: 2sigma.

NoiseCompensation: Selects whether or not to use noise compensation. The parameter can be specified for each resolution, or for all resolutions at once.
example: (NoiseCompensation "true")
Default/recommended: true.

: this class contains a lot of functional code, which actually does not belong here.
See also

Definition at line 193 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

Inheritance diagram for elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >:

Data Structures

struct  MultiThreaderParameterType

Public Types

using ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>
using ITKBaseType = typename Superclass2::ITKBaseType
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient
using SizeValueType = itk::SizeValueType
using Superclass1 = AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
using Superclass2 = OptimizerBase<TElastix>
using ThreadIdType = unsigned int
- Public Types inherited from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
using Superclass = StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
- Public Types inherited from itk::StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
enum  StopConditionType
using Superclass = StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
- Public Types inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using ScaledCostFunctionPointer
using ScaledCostFunctionType
using ScalesType
using Self = StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
enum  StopConditionType {
  MaximumNumberOfIterations , MetricError , MinimumStepSize , InvalidDiagonalMatrix ,
  GradientMagnitudeTolerance , LineSearchError
using Superclass = ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
- Public Types inherited from itk::ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using ScaledCostFunctionPointer = ScaledCostFunctionType::Pointer
using ScaledCostFunctionType = ScaledSingleValuedCostFunction
using ScalesType = NonLinearOptimizer::ScalesType
using Self = ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
using Superclass = SingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
- Public Types inherited from elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >
using ElastixType
using ITKBaseType = itk::Optimizer
using ParametersType = typename ITKBaseType::ParametersType
using RegistrationType
using Self = OptimizerBase
using Superclass = BaseComponentSE<TElastix>
- Public Types inherited from elastix::BaseComponentSE< TElastix >
using ElastixType = TElastix
using RegistrationType = typename ElastixType::RegistrationBaseType
using Self = BaseComponentSE
using Superclass = BaseComponent

Public Member Functions

void AdvanceOneStep () override
void AfterEachIteration () override
void AfterEachResolution () override
void AfterRegistration () override
void BeforeEachResolution () override
void BeforeRegistration () override
 elxClassNameMacro ("AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient")
virtual bool GetAutomaticParameterEstimation () const
virtual const char * GetClassName () const
virtual const SizeValueTypeGetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts ()
virtual double GetMaximumStepLength () const
virtual const DerivativeType & GetMeanGradient ()
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient)
void MetricErrorResponse (itk::ExceptionObject &err) override
void ResumeOptimization () override
virtual void SetAutomaticParameterEstimation (bool _arg)
virtual void SetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts (SizeValueType _arg)
virtual void SetMaximumStepLength (double _arg)
void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType numberOfThreads)
void StartOptimization () override
void StopOptimization () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
virtual double GetSigmoidMax () const
virtual double GetSigmoidMin () const
virtual double GetSigmoidScale () const
virtual bool GetUseAdaptiveStepSizes () const
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer)
virtual void SetSigmoidMax (double _arg)
virtual void SetSigmoidMin (double _arg)
virtual void SetSigmoidScale (double _arg)
virtual void SetUseAdaptiveStepSizes (bool _arg)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
void AdvanceOneStep () override
virtual double GetCurrentTime () const
virtual double GetInitialTime () const
virtual double GetParam_A () const
virtual double GetParam_a () const
virtual double GetParam_alpha () const
virtual double GetParam_beta () const
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer)
virtual void ResetCurrentTimeToInitialTime ()
virtual void SetInitialTime (double _arg)
virtual void SetParam_A (double _arg)
virtual void SetParam_a (double _arg)
virtual void SetParam_alpha (double _arg)
virtual void SetParam_beta (double _arg)
void StartOptimization () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
virtual unsigned int GetCurrentInnerIteration () const
virtual unsigned int GetCurrentIteration () const
virtual const DerivativeType & GetGradient ()
virtual unsigned int GetLBFGSMemory () const
virtual const doubleGetLearningRate ()
virtual const unsigned long & GetNumberOfInnerIterations ()
virtual const unsigned long & GetNumberOfIterations ()
virtual const DerivativeType & GetPreviousGradient ()
virtual const ParametersType & GetPreviousPosition ()
virtual const DerivativeType & GetSearchDir ()
virtual const StopConditionTypeGetStopCondition ()
virtual const doubleGetValue ()
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer)
virtual void MetricErrorResponse (ExceptionObject &err)
virtual void SetLearningRate (double _arg)
virtual void SetNumberOfIterations (unsigned long _arg)
void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType numberOfThreads)
virtual void SetPreviousGradient (DerivativeType _arg)
virtual void SetPreviousPosition (ParametersType _arg)
virtual void SetUseEigen (bool _arg)
virtual void SetUseMultiThread (bool _arg)
void StartOptimization () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
const ParametersType & GetCurrentPosition () const override
virtual bool GetMaximize () const
virtual const ScaledCostFunctionTypeGetScaledCostFunction ()
virtual const ParametersType & GetScaledCurrentPosition ()
bool GetUseScales () const
virtual void InitializeScales ()
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer)
virtual void MaximizeOff ()
virtual void MaximizeOn ()
void SetCostFunction (CostFunctionType *costFunction) override
virtual void SetMaximize (bool _arg)
virtual void SetUseScales (bool arg)
- Public Member Functions inherited from elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >
void AfterRegistrationBase () override
void BeforeEachResolutionBase () override
ITKBaseTypeGetAsITKBaseType ()
const ITKBaseTypeGetAsITKBaseType () const
virtual void SetCurrentPositionPublic (const ParametersType &param)
virtual void SetSinusScales (double amplitude, double frequency, unsigned long numberOfParameters)
- Public Member Functions inherited from elastix::BaseComponentSE< TElastix >
void AddTargetCellToIterationInfo (const char *const name)
const ConfigurationGetConfiguration () const
ElastixTypeGetElastix () const
auto & GetIterationInfoAt (const char *const name)
RegistrationTypeGetRegistration () const
void RemoveTargetCellFromIterationInfo (const char *const name)
void SetConfiguration (const Configuration *_arg)
void SetElastix (ElastixType *_arg)
- Public Member Functions inherited from elastix::BaseComponent
virtual void AfterEachIterationBase ()
virtual void AfterEachResolutionBase ()
virtual int BeforeAll ()
virtual int BeforeAllBase ()
virtual void BeforeRegistrationBase ()
virtual const char * elxGetClassName () const
const char * GetComponentLabel () const
 itkTypeMacroNoParent (BaseComponent)
void SetComponentLabel (const char *label, unsigned int idx)

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from elastix::BaseComponent
template<typename TBaseComponent >
static auto AsITKBaseType (TBaseComponent *const baseComponent) -> decltype(baseComponent->GetAsITKBaseType())
static void InitializeElastixExecutable ()
static bool IsElastixLibrary ()

Protected Types

using AdvancedTransformType
using ComputeDisplacementDistributionType = itk::ComputeDisplacementDistribution<FixedImageType, TransformType>
using ComputeJacobianTermsType = itk::ComputeJacobianTerms<FixedImageType, TransformType>
using CoordinateRepresentationType = typename TransformType::ScalarType
using FixedImageIndexType = typename FixedImageType::IndexType
using FixedImagePointType = typename FixedImageType::PointType
using FixedImageRegionType = typename FixedImageType::RegionType
using FixedImageType = typename RegistrationType::FixedImageType
using ImageGridSamplerPointer = typename ImageGridSamplerType::Pointer
using ImageGridSamplerType = itk::ImageGridSampler<FixedImageType>
using ImageRadomSampleContainerPointer = typename ImageRadomSampleContainerType::Pointer
using ImageRadomSampleContainerType = typename ImageRandomSamplerType::ImageSampleContainerType
using ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerPointer = typename ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerType::Pointer
using ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerType = itk::ImageRandomCoordinateSampler<FixedImageType>
using ImageRandomSamplerBasePointer = typename ImageRandomSamplerBaseType::Pointer
using ImageRandomSamplerBaseType = itk::ImageRandomSamplerBase<FixedImageType>
using ImageRandomSamplerPointer = typename ImageRandomSamplerType::Pointer
using ImageRandomSamplerType = itk::ImageRandomSampler<FixedImageType>
using ImageSampleContainerPointer = typename ImageSampleContainerType::Pointer
using ImageSampleContainerType = typename ImageGridSamplerType::ImageSampleContainerType
using ImageSamplerBasePointer = typename ImageSamplerBaseType::Pointer
using ImageSamplerBaseType = itk::ImageSamplerBase<FixedImageType>
using ImageSampleType = typename ImageSamplerBaseType::ImageSampleType
using itkRegistrationType = typename RegistrationType::ITKBaseType
using JacobianType = typename TransformType::JacobianType
using JacobianValueType = typename JacobianType::ValueType
using MovingImageType = typename RegistrationType::MovingImageType
using NonZeroJacobianIndicesType = typename AdvancedTransformType::NonZeroJacobianIndicesType
using RandomGeneratorType = itk::Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator
using SettingsVectorType
using TransformJacobianType = JacobianType
using TransformType = typename itkRegistrationType::TransformType
- Protected Types inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
using ThreadInfoType = MultiThreaderBase::WorkUnitInfo
- Protected Types inherited from elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >
using SettingsVectorType = typename std::vector<SettingsType>

Protected Member Functions

 AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient ()
virtual void AddRandomPerturbation (ParametersType &parameters, double sigma)
virtual void AutomaticParameterEstimation ()
virtual void AutomaticParameterEstimationOriginal ()
virtual void AutomaticParameterEstimationUsingDisplacementDistribution ()
virtual void GetScaledDerivativeWithExceptionHandling (const ParametersType &parameters, DerivativeType &derivative)
 itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (MovingImageDimension, unsigned int, MovingImageType::ImageDimension)
virtual void SampleGradients (const ParametersType &mu0, double perturbationSigma, double &gg, double &ee)
 ~AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
 AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer ()
void UpdateCurrentTime () override
 ~AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
virtual double Compute_a (double k) const
virtual double Compute_beta (double k) const
 StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer ()
 ~StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer ()
 ~StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
virtual void GetScaledDerivative (const ParametersType &parameters, DerivativeType &derivative) const
virtual MeasureType GetScaledValue (const ParametersType &parameters) const
virtual void GetScaledValueAndDerivative (const ParametersType &parameters, MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer ()
void SetCurrentPosition (const ParametersType &param) override
virtual void SetScaledCurrentPosition (const ParametersType &parameters)
 ~ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >
virtual bool GetNewSamplesEveryIteration () const
 OptimizerBase ()=default
virtual void SelectNewSamples ()
 ~OptimizerBase () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from elastix::BaseComponentSE< TElastix >
 BaseComponentSE ()=default
 ~BaseComponentSE () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from elastix::BaseComponent
 BaseComponent ()=default
virtual ~BaseComponent ()=default

Protected Attributes

AdvancedTransformType::Pointer m_AdvancedTransform
DerivativeType m_ExactGradient
DerivativeType m_MeanGradient
double m_NoiseFactor
SizeValueType m_NumberOfGradientMeasurements
SizeValueType m_NumberOfJacobianMeasurements
SizeValueType m_NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient
RandomGeneratorType::Pointer m_RandomGenerator
SettingsVectorType m_SettingsVector
double m_SigmoidScaleFactor
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
DerivativeType m_PreviousGradient {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::StandardStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer
double m_CurrentTime { 0.0 }
bool m_UseConstantStep {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer
unsigned long m_CurrentInnerIteration {}
unsigned long m_CurrentIteration { 0 }
DerivativeType m_Gradient {}
unsigned long m_LBFGSMemory { 0 }
double m_LearningRate { 1.0 }
ParametersType m_MeanSearchDir {}
unsigned long m_NumberOfInnerIterations {}
unsigned long m_NumberOfIterations { 100 }
DerivativeType m_PreviousGradient {}
ParametersType m_PreviousPosition {}
ParametersType m_PreviousSearchDir {}
ParametersType m_SearchDir {}
bool m_Stop { false }
StopConditionType m_StopCondition { MaximumNumberOfIterations }
MultiThreaderBase::Pointer m_Threader { MultiThreaderBase::New() }
double m_Value { 0.0 }
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ScaledSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
ScaledCostFunctionPointer m_ScaledCostFunction {}
ParametersType m_ScaledCurrentPosition {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from elastix::BaseComponentSE< TElastix >
Configuration::ConstPointer m_Configuration {}
itk::WeakPointer< TElastix > m_Elastix {}
RegistrationTypem_Registration {}

Private Member Functions

void ThreadedAdvanceOneStep (ThreadIdType threadId, ParametersType &newPosition)

Static Private Member Functions

static itk::ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE AdvanceOneStepThreaderCallback (void *arg)

Private Attributes

bool m_AutomaticParameterEstimation
bool m_AutomaticParameterEstimationDone
SizeValueType m_CurrentNumberOfSamplingAttempts
SizeValueType m_MaxBandCovSize
SizeValueType m_MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts
double m_MaximumStepLength
SizeValueType m_NumberOfBandStructureSamples
SizeValueType m_NumberOfInnerLoopSamples
SizeValueType m_NumberOfSpatialSamples
bool m_OriginalButSigmoidToDefault
SizeValueType m_OutsideIterations
SizeValueType m_PreviousErrorAtIteration
bool m_UseNoiseCompensation
bool m_UseNoiseFactor

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >
static void PrintSettingsVector (const SettingsVectorType &settings)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AdvancedTransformType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AdvancedTransformType
Initial value:
Transform maps points, vectors and covariant vectors from an input space to an output space.

Definition at line 354 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ ComputeDisplacementDistributionType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ComputeDisplacementDistributionType = itk::ComputeDisplacementDistribution<FixedImageType, TransformType>

◆ ComputeJacobianTermsType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ComputeJacobianTermsType = itk::ComputeJacobianTerms<FixedImageType, TransformType>

◆ ConstPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>

◆ CoordinateRepresentationType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::CoordinateRepresentationType = typename TransformType::ScalarType

◆ FixedImageIndexType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::FixedImageIndexType = typename FixedImageType::IndexType

◆ FixedImagePointType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::FixedImagePointType = typename FixedImageType::PointType

◆ FixedImageRegionType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::FixedImageRegionType = typename FixedImageType::RegionType

◆ FixedImageType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::FixedImageType = typename RegistrationType::FixedImageType

Protected typedefs

Definition at line 310 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ ImageGridSamplerPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageGridSamplerPointer = typename ImageGridSamplerType::Pointer

◆ ImageGridSamplerType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageGridSamplerType = itk::ImageGridSampler<FixedImageType>

Image grid sampler.

Definition at line 341 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ ImageRadomSampleContainerPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRadomSampleContainerPointer = typename ImageRadomSampleContainerType::Pointer

◆ ImageRadomSampleContainerType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRadomSampleContainerType = typename ImageRandomSamplerType::ImageSampleContainerType

◆ ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerPointer = typename ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerType::Pointer

◆ ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomCoordinateSamplerType = itk::ImageRandomCoordinateSampler<FixedImageType>

◆ ImageRandomSamplerBasePointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomSamplerBasePointer = typename ImageRandomSamplerBaseType::Pointer

◆ ImageRandomSamplerBaseType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomSamplerBaseType = itk::ImageRandomSamplerBase<FixedImageType>

◆ ImageRandomSamplerPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomSamplerPointer = typename ImageRandomSamplerType::Pointer

◆ ImageRandomSamplerType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageRandomSamplerType = itk::ImageRandomSampler<FixedImageType>

Image random sampler.

Definition at line 335 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ ImageSampleContainerPointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageSampleContainerPointer = typename ImageSampleContainerType::Pointer

◆ ImageSampleContainerType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageSampleContainerType = typename ImageGridSamplerType::ImageSampleContainerType

◆ ImageSamplerBasePointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageSamplerBasePointer = typename ImageSamplerBaseType::Pointer

◆ ImageSamplerBaseType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageSamplerBaseType = itk::ImageSamplerBase<FixedImageType>


Definition at line 326 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ ImageSampleType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ImageSampleType = typename ImageSamplerBaseType::ImageSampleType

◆ ITKBaseType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ITKBaseType = typename Superclass2::ITKBaseType

◆ itkRegistrationType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::itkRegistrationType = typename RegistrationType::ITKBaseType

◆ JacobianType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::JacobianType = typename TransformType::JacobianType

◆ JacobianValueType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::JacobianValueType = typename JacobianType::ValueType

◆ MovingImageType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::MovingImageType = typename RegistrationType::MovingImageType

◆ NonZeroJacobianIndicesType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::NonZeroJacobianIndicesType = typename AdvancedTransformType::NonZeroJacobianIndicesType

◆ Pointer

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>

◆ RandomGeneratorType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::RandomGeneratorType = itk::Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator

Other protected typedefs

Definition at line 347 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ Self

Standard ITK.

Definition at line 201 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ SettingsVectorType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::OptimizerBase< TElastix >::SettingsVectorType

Definition at line 133 of file elxOptimizerBase.h.

◆ SizeValueType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SizeValueType = itk::SizeValueType

◆ Superclass1

◆ Superclass2

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::Superclass2 = OptimizerBase<TElastix>

◆ ThreadIdType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ThreadIdType = unsigned int

Type to count and reference number of threads

Definition at line 299 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ TransformJacobianType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::TransformJacobianType = JacobianType

Typedefs for support of sparse Jacobians and AdvancedTransforms.

Definition at line 350 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ TransformType

template<class TElastix >
using elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::TransformType = typename itkRegistrationType::TransformType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient()

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient ( )

◆ ~AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient()

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::~AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddRandomPerturbation()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AddRandomPerturbation ( ParametersType & parameters,
double sigma )

Helper function that adds a random perturbation delta to the input parameters, with delta ~ sigma * N(0,I). Used by SampleGradients.

◆ AdvanceOneStep()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AdvanceOneStep ( )

Advance one step following the gradient direction.

Reimplemented from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer.

◆ AdvanceOneStepThreaderCallback()

template<class TElastix >
static itk::ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AdvanceOneStepThreaderCallback ( void * arg)

The callback function.

◆ AfterEachIteration()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AfterEachIteration ( )

Reimplemented from elastix::BaseComponent.

◆ AfterEachResolution()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AfterEachResolution ( )

Reimplemented from elastix::BaseComponent.

◆ AfterRegistration()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AfterRegistration ( )

Reimplemented from elastix::BaseComponent.

◆ AutomaticParameterEstimation()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AutomaticParameterEstimation ( )

Select different method to estimate some reasonable values for the parameters SP_a, SP_alpha (=1), SigmoidMin, SigmoidMax (=1), and SigmoidScale.

◆ AutomaticParameterEstimationOriginal()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AutomaticParameterEstimationOriginal ( )

Original estimation method to get the reasonable values for the parameters SP_a, SP_alpha (=1), SigmoidMin, SigmoidMax (=1), and SigmoidScale.

◆ AutomaticParameterEstimationUsingDisplacementDistribution()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::AutomaticParameterEstimationUsingDisplacementDistribution ( )

Estimates some reasonable values for the parameters using displacement distribution SP_a, SP_alpha (=1)

◆ BeforeEachResolution()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::BeforeEachResolution ( )

Reimplemented from elastix::BaseComponent.

◆ BeforeRegistration()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::BeforeRegistration ( )

Methods invoked by elastix, in which parameters can be set and progress information can be printed.

Reimplemented from elastix::BaseComponent.

◆ elxClassNameMacro()

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::elxClassNameMacro ( "AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >" )

Name of this class. Use this name in the parameter file to select this specific optimizer. example: (Optimizer "AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient")

◆ GetAutomaticParameterEstimation()

template<class TElastix >
virtual bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetAutomaticParameterEstimation ( ) const

◆ GetClassName()

template<class TElastix >
virtual const char * elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetClassName ( ) const

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradientOptimizer.

◆ GetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts()

template<class TElastix >
virtual const SizeValueType & elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts ( )

Get the MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts.

◆ GetMaximumStepLength()

template<class TElastix >
virtual double elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetMaximumStepLength ( ) const

◆ GetMeanGradient()

template<class TElastix >
virtual const DerivativeType & elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetMeanGradient ( )

Get the Previous gradient.

◆ GetScaledDerivativeWithExceptionHandling()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::GetScaledDerivativeWithExceptionHandling ( const ParametersType & parameters,
DerivativeType & derivative )

Helper function, which calls GetScaledValueAndDerivative and does some exception handling. Used by SampleGradients.


template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE ( AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix > )

◆ itkStaticConstMacro() [1/2]

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::itkStaticConstMacro ( FixedImageDimension ,
unsigned int ,
FixedImageType::ImageDimension  )

◆ itkStaticConstMacro() [2/2]

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::itkStaticConstMacro ( MovingImageDimension ,
unsigned int ,
MovingImageType::ImageDimension  )

◆ MetricErrorResponse()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::MetricErrorResponse ( itk::ExceptionObject & err)

Stop optimization and pass on exception.

◆ New()

template<class TElastix >
static Pointer elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::New ( )

Method for creation through the object factory.

◆ ResumeOptimization()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ResumeOptimization ( )

If automatic gain estimation is desired, then estimate SP_a, SP_alpha SigmoidScale, SigmoidMax, SigmoidMin. After that call Superclass' implementation.

Reimplemented from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer.

◆ SampleGradients()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SampleGradients ( const ParametersType & mu0,
double perturbationSigma,
double & gg,
double & ee )

Measure some derivatives, exact and approximated. Returns the squared magnitude of the gradient and approximation error. Needed for the automatic parameter estimation. Gradients are measured at position mu_n, which are generated according to: mu_n - mu_0 ~ N(0, perturbationSigma^2 I ); gg = g^T g, etc.

◆ SetAutomaticParameterEstimation()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SetAutomaticParameterEstimation ( bool _arg)

Set/Get whether automatic parameter estimation is desired. If true, make sure to set the maximum step length.

The following parameters are automatically determined: SP_a, SP_alpha (=1), SigmoidMin, SigmoidMax (=1), SigmoidScale. A usually suitable value for SP_A is 20, which is the default setting, if not specified by the user.

◆ SetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SetMaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts ( SizeValueType _arg)

Set the MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts.

◆ SetMaximumStepLength()

template<class TElastix >
virtual void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SetMaximumStepLength ( double _arg)

Set/Get maximum step length.

◆ SetNumberOfWorkUnits()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::SetNumberOfWorkUnits ( ThreadIdType numberOfThreads)

Set the number of threads.

Definition at line 303 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ StartOptimization()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::StartOptimization ( )

Check if any scales are set, and set the UseScales flag on or off; after that call the superclass' implementation.

◆ StopOptimization()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::StopOptimization ( )

Stop optimization.

See also

Reimplemented from itk::StochasticVarianceReducedGradientDescentOptimizer.

◆ ThreadedAdvanceOneStep()

template<class TElastix >
void elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::ThreadedAdvanceOneStep ( ThreadIdType threadId,
ParametersType & newPosition )

The threaded implementation of AdvanceOneStep().

Field Documentation

◆ elxOverrideGetSelfMacro

template<class TElastix >
elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::elxOverrideGetSelfMacro

◆ m_AdvancedTransform

template<class TElastix >
AdvancedTransformType::Pointer elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_AdvancedTransform

The transform stored as AdvancedTransform

Definition at line 370 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_AutomaticParameterEstimation

template<class TElastix >
bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_AutomaticParameterEstimation

◆ m_AutomaticParameterEstimationDone

template<class TElastix >
bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_AutomaticParameterEstimationDone

◆ m_CurrentNumberOfSamplingAttempts

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_CurrentNumberOfSamplingAttempts

◆ m_ExactGradient

template<class TElastix >
DerivativeType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_ExactGradient

◆ m_MaxBandCovSize

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_MaxBandCovSize

Private variables for band size estimation of covariance matrix.

Definition at line 454 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts

Private variables for the sampling attempts.

Definition at line 446 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_MaximumStepLength

template<class TElastix >
double elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_MaximumStepLength

◆ m_MeanGradient

template<class TElastix >
DerivativeType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_MeanGradient

◆ m_NoiseFactor

template<class TElastix >
double elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NoiseFactor

◆ m_NumberOfBandStructureSamples

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfBandStructureSamples

◆ m_NumberOfGradientMeasurements

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfGradientMeasurements

Some options for automatic parameter estimation.

Definition at line 365 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_NumberOfInnerLoopSamples

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfInnerLoopSamples

◆ m_NumberOfJacobianMeasurements

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfJacobianMeasurements

◆ m_NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient

◆ m_NumberOfSpatialSamples

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_NumberOfSpatialSamples

◆ m_OriginalButSigmoidToDefault

template<class TElastix >
bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_OriginalButSigmoidToDefault

◆ m_OutsideIterations

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_OutsideIterations

◆ m_PreviousErrorAtIteration

template<class TElastix >
SizeValueType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_PreviousErrorAtIteration

◆ m_RandomGenerator

template<class TElastix >
RandomGeneratorType::Pointer elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_RandomGenerator

RandomGenerator for AddRandomPerturbation.

Definition at line 373 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_SettingsVector

template<class TElastix >
SettingsVectorType elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_SettingsVector

Variable to store the automatically determined settings for each resolution.

Definition at line 362 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_SigmoidScaleFactor

template<class TElastix >
double elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_SigmoidScaleFactor

◆ m_UseNoiseCompensation

template<class TElastix >
bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_UseNoiseCompensation

The flag of using noise compensation.

Definition at line 460 of file elxAdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient.h.

◆ m_UseNoiseFactor

template<class TElastix >
bool elastix::AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient< TElastix >::m_UseNoiseFactor

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