template<class TElastix>
class elastix::DisplacementMagnitudePenalty< TElastix >
A penalty term that penalises ||T(x)-x||.
This penalty term may look a little unusual, but it can be used as a way to compute an inverse transform, by supplying the transform to be inverted as an initial transform and setting the HowToCombineTransforms parameter to "Compose".
The parameters used in this class are:
- Parameters
- Metric: Select this metric as follows:
(Metric "DisplacementMagnitudePenalty")
- See also
- DisplacementEnergyPenaltyTerm
Definition at line 45 of file elxDisplacementMagnitudePenalty.h.
| elxClassNameMacro ("DisplacementMagnitudePenalty") |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () const |
void | Initialize () override |
| ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (DisplacementMagnitudePenalty) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (MovingImageDimension, unsigned int, MovingImageType::ImageDimension) |
void | GetDerivative (const ParametersType ¶meters, DerivativeType &derivative) const override |
MeasureType | GetValue (const ParametersType ¶meters) const override |
void | GetValueAndDerivative (const ParametersType ¶meters, MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const override |
| ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (DisplacementMagnitudePenaltyTerm) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension) |
| ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (TransformPenaltyTerm) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension) |
virtual void | BeforeThreadedGetValueAndDerivative (const TransformParametersType ¶meters) const |
virtual const FixedImageLimiterType * | GetFixedImageLimiter () |
const FixedImageMaskType * | GetFixedImageMask () const override |
virtual double | GetFixedLimitRangeRatio () const |
ImageSamplerType * | GetImageSampler () const |
virtual const MovingImageDerivativeScalesType & | GetMovingImageDerivativeScales () |
virtual const MovingImageLimiterType * | GetMovingImageLimiter () |
const MovingImageMaskType * | GetMovingImageMask () const override |
virtual double | GetMovingLimitRangeRatio () const |
virtual double | GetRequiredRatioOfValidSamples () const |
virtual bool | GetScaleGradientWithRespectToMovingImageOrientation () const |
const AdvancedTransformType * | GetTransform () const override |
AdvancedTransformType * | GetTransform () override |
virtual bool | GetUseFixedImageLimiter () const |
virtual bool | GetUseImageSampler () const |
virtual const bool & | GetUseMetricSingleThreaded () |
virtual bool | GetUseMovingImageDerivativeScales () const |
virtual bool | GetUseMovingImageLimiter () const |
virtual const bool & | GetUseMultiThread () |
void | Initialize () override |
| ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (AdvancedImageToImageMetric) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, TFixedImage::ImageDimension) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (MovingImageDimension, unsigned int, TFixedImage::ImageDimension) |
virtual void | SetFixedImageLimiter (FixedImageLimiterType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetFixedImageMask (const FixedImageMaskType *const arg) |
virtual void | SetFixedLimitRangeRatio (double _arg) |
virtual void | SetImageSampler (ImageSamplerType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingImageDerivativeScales (MovingImageDerivativeScalesType _arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingImageLimiter (MovingImageLimiterType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingImageMask (const MovingImageMaskType *const arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingLimitRangeRatio (double _arg) |
virtual void | SetRequiredRatioOfValidSamples (double _arg) |
virtual void | SetScaleGradientWithRespectToMovingImageOrientation (bool _arg) |
virtual void | SetTransform (AdvancedTransformType *arg) |
virtual void | SetUseMetricSingleThreaded (bool _arg) |
virtual void | SetUseMovingImageDerivativeScales (bool _arg) |
virtual void | SetUseMultiThread (bool _arg) |
virtual void | UseMetricSingleThreadedOff () |
virtual void | UseMetricSingleThreadedOn () |
virtual void | UseMultiThreadOff () |
virtual void | UseMultiThreadOn () |
void | AfterEachIterationBase () override |
void | BeforeEachResolutionBase () override |
virtual ImageSamplerBaseType * | GetAdvancedMetricImageSampler () const |
virtual bool | GetAdvancedMetricUseImageSampler () const |
ITKBaseType * | GetAsITKBaseType () |
const ITKBaseType * | GetAsITKBaseType () const |
virtual MeasureType | GetCurrentExactMetricValue () const |
virtual bool | GetShowExactMetricValue () const |
| itkStaticConstMacro (FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension) |
| itkStaticConstMacro (MovingImageDimension, unsigned int, MovingImageType::ImageDimension) |
virtual void | SelectNewSamples () |
virtual void | SetAdvancedMetricImageSampler (ImageSamplerBaseType *sampler) |
void | AddTargetCellToIterationInfo (const char *const name) |
const Configuration * | GetConfiguration () const |
ElastixType * | GetElastix () const |
auto & | GetIterationInfoAt (const char *const name) |
RegistrationType * | GetRegistration () const |
void | RemoveTargetCellFromIterationInfo (const char *const name) |
void | SetConfiguration (const Configuration *_arg) |
void | SetElastix (ElastixType *_arg) |
virtual void | AfterEachIteration () |
virtual void | AfterEachResolution () |
virtual void | AfterEachResolutionBase () |
virtual void | AfterRegistration () |
virtual void | AfterRegistrationBase () |
virtual int | BeforeAll () |
virtual int | BeforeAllBase () |
virtual void | BeforeEachResolution () |
virtual void | BeforeRegistration () |
virtual void | BeforeRegistrationBase () |
virtual const char * | elxGetClassName () const |
const char * | GetComponentLabel () const |
| itkTypeMacroNoParent (BaseComponent) |
void | SetComponentLabel (const char *label, unsigned int idx) |
| DisplacementMagnitudePenalty ()=default |
| ~DisplacementMagnitudePenalty () override=default |
| DisplacementMagnitudePenaltyTerm () |
| ~DisplacementMagnitudePenaltyTerm () override=default |
virtual bool | CheckForBSplineTransform2 (BSplineOrder3TransformPointer &bspline) const |
| TransformPenaltyTerm ()=default |
| ~TransformPenaltyTerm () override=default |
| AdvancedImageToImageMetric () |
virtual void | AfterThreadedGetValue (MeasureType &) const |
virtual void | AfterThreadedGetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &, DerivativeType &) const |
void | CheckForAdvancedTransform () |
void | CheckForBSplineInterpolator () |
void | CheckForBSplineTransform () const |
void | CheckNumberOfSamples (unsigned long wanted, unsigned long found) const |
virtual bool | EvaluateMovingImageValueAndDerivative (const MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, RealType &movingImageValue, MovingImageDerivativeType *gradient) const |
bool | EvaluateTransformJacobian (const FixedImagePointType &fixedImagePoint, TransformJacobianType &jacobian, NonZeroJacobianIndicesType &nzji) const |
virtual void | EvaluateTransformJacobianInnerProduct (const TransformJacobianType &jacobian, const MovingImageDerivativeType &movingImageDerivative, DerivativeType &imageJacobian) const |
bool | FastEvaluateMovingImageValueAndDerivative (const MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, RealType &movingImageValue, MovingImageDerivativeType *gradient, const ThreadIdType threadId) const |
virtual void | InitializeImageSampler () |
void | InitializeLimiters () |
virtual void | InitializeThreadingParameters () const |
virtual bool | IsInsideMovingMask (const MovingImagePointType &point) const |
| itkAlignedTypedef (ITK_CACHE_LINE_ALIGNMENT, PaddedGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct, AlignedGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct) |
| itkPadStruct (ITK_CACHE_LINE_ALIGNMENT, GetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct, PaddedGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct) |
void | LaunchGetValueAndDerivativeThreaderCallback () const |
void | LaunchGetValueThreaderCallback () const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
void | SetFixedImageMask (const typename Superclass::FixedImageMaskType *) final |
void | SetFixedImageMask (typename Superclass::FixedImageMaskType *) final |
void | SetMovingImageMask (const typename Superclass::MovingImageMaskType *) final |
void | SetMovingImageMask (typename Superclass::MovingImageMaskType *) final |
virtual void | SetUseFixedImageLimiter (bool _arg) |
virtual void | SetUseImageSampler (bool _arg) |
virtual void | SetUseMovingImageLimiter (bool _arg) |
virtual void | ThreadedGetValue (ThreadIdType) const |
virtual void | ThreadedGetValueAndDerivative (ThreadIdType) const |
MovingImagePointType | TransformPoint (const FixedImagePointType &fixedImagePoint) const |
| ~AdvancedImageToImageMetric () override=default |
virtual MeasureType | GetExactValue (const ParametersType ¶meters) |
| MetricBase ()=default |
| ~MetricBase () override=default |
| BaseComponentSE ()=default |
| ~BaseComponentSE () override=default |
| BaseComponent ()=default |
virtual | ~BaseComponent ()=default |